Run #3 Interim - A Bump In The Night
For those of you not in the loop, Mirage got a little cocky
and decided to test building security during Run 3. He was nabbed
by the security forces there and ended up with the cops. As a
SINless criminal, Mirage was in danger of revealing sensitive
information that could compromise the run. Ichiro, one of the
hiring characters for the run, asked a contact, Detective Whitley
to "close the file" on the problem. Here is the tale
of what happened.
Night had fallen while he was asleep and the room was only dimly
lit. His nerves felt...used. He remembered recovering a few times
and being beaten unconscious repeatedly. He thinks to himself,
"Good cop / bad cop, can't they think of anything original?"
[Interrogation 4, result 7...Willpower 6*...10]
[Interrogation 4, result 8...Willpower 6*...11]
[Interrogation 4, result 5...Willpower 6*...11]
(With his Psychology 4, I'll ignore his wound penalties)
After the third time, he woke up here in the hospital with two
Lone Star cops standing outside his door. Maybe the cops finally
showed up and took him away. Maybe he had a cop to thank for that.
He didn't care. He was just glad to not be slapped awake again.
His head had cleared, but he could still feel diffuse pain in
his back, chest, and face, and one of his shoulders ached as he
wriggled about to get a good position on the cuffs.
[No stun, moderate physical wound, TN+2]
They had been smart enough to use handcuffs, so this was trickier
to pull off, but he had broken out of cuffs before. The window
of opportunity would be small. The guards were checking on him
every 30 minutes.
[Escape Artist test, TN8 - 3 successes (Wow!), 10 minutes to
break out]
Luck was with him, the cuffs must have been locked down when
he was in an unnatural position and there was adequate room to
wriggle free, if he could just get the cuffs positioned properly,
he would be on his way.
He glanced about nervously at the various beeping machines as
he worked. One camera was scanning the room. That would start
the clock ticking once he got out of here, but he could probably
keep motionless enough not to tip them off.
[Cop is distracted by nurse (+2), normal camera in partial light
(+2), action not obvious (+4), wounds (-2), net +6]
[Stealth open test with 5 dice...9+6=15]
[Cop Perception...10]
[Stealth open test with 5 dice, -2 for wounds...13+6*=19]
[Cop Perception...8]
He was almost free of the cuffs and if they were consistent,
one of them would be stepping away soon. The IV pole gleamed in
the light. Yes, that would do.
Detective Whitley flicked open his stainless steel lighter and
ignited the cigarette he had just given to the desk sergeant.
He had been bogged down at his precinct longer than expected when
his shift ended and it was already late at night. A quiet review
of the cells and cameras did nothing but waste more time and a
lot of it.
His information told him that the perp was scheduled for interrogation
in four hours, so where the hell was he? Carousing at the Soy
Dunk without drawing too much attention had turned up nothing.
This was his last chance, the desk sergeant in the precinct where
his target had been picked up. It was also risky, as she might
remember him later.
He made small talk with the sergeant for a few minutes and then
decided to finally get around to the purpose of his visit. "Man,
that is one big trog over there."
The desk sergeant was an overweight homely woman with a scar
running down over her right eye and cheek. The scar and the unnatural
blue-green color of her irises suggested that she possessed cyber
eyes. Not a speck of make-up inhabited her blemished face. She
was caucasian and her pallor told the tale of a wage slave that
did not see much of the sun. She chuckled, "Yeah, they make
them pretty big around here."
Whitley chuckled "Yeah, same over at my district. That reminds
me, there was some rookie over at the Soy Dunk that told me you
guys picked up some fraggin' huge Japanese fella, seven feet tall
or some drek."
She laughs loudly, "Well, not seven feet, but definitely
topping six."
"Wow, hate to have to deal with that."
"Yeah, well he'll be here in about an hour or two and we'll
see if he's really as big as they say."
"Whew, that's a long drive. We patrolling the NAN now?"
She smiles, "Nah, but he was banged up pretty bad. Considering
that he had no weapons and was taken down without a fight, it
sounds like he was beat up pretty thoroughly. That boy would have
a nice cash cow case on his hands if he had a SIN."
"SINless, huh. Sucks to be him."
"Yeah, they tagged him with a criminal SIN and dumped him
at Seattle General with a couple of beat cops guarding him. Poor
slot, probably just be kinder to put him down."
Whitley retorts, "Damn, honey, that's harsh."
She smirks, "Reality is harsh, babe."
"So what the hell is a SINless slot doing running around
in a secure garage without any gear? Car thief or just plain stupid?"
"Hmm." She scrolls through a screen of data. "The
report in the log only shows him trespassing. Maybe it was some
dumb ass ganger on a dare. No contraband was turned over to us,
which means either he had no gear for stealing cars, or our...colleagues
at the corp decided to hang onto it."
"Like I said, sucks to be him. Oh hey, there's the guy I
was looking for. Catch ya later honey."
The pole was no katana, but it would have to do. He grabbed it
hand-over-hand like a katana and slipped up to the door.
[Clubs default to Edged Weapons at +2, only use 3 combat pool]
[Stealth(Sneaking) 7 dice...5, eww]
[Perception successes!]
He slid the door open quietly...
[11 vs. 5, undetected]
and struck!
[Reaction, 6 successes vs. 0]
[Mirage attacks]
[Edged Weapons 6 (+3 pool) @ 4+2+2 = 8...2 successes]
[Cop's Unarmed Combat 3 (surprised, no pool) @ 5*...1 success]
* - Mirage using reach as penalty
[Resist (surprised, no pool)...takes M Stun]
[Initiative...Mirage 14 (crappy roll) vs. Cop 13 (great roll)]
[Edged Weapons 6 (+3 pool) @ 4+2+2 = 8...2 successes]
[Cop 3 (+3 pool) @ 7...0 successes]
[Resist (throw in last 3 combat pool)...6 successes...L stun]
[Cop readies Stun Baton and calls for help]
[Mirage attacks]
[Edged Weapons 6 (+3 pool) @ 4+2+2 = 8...2 successes]
[Cop 3 @ 6...1 success]
[Resist...M stun]
[Cop realizes the baton is not going to work out for him and he
tries to pull his pistol and take a shot. He does not try quick
draw because he is wounded and will likely throw the pistol across
the hall. He gets off one shot with wounds and melee combat...and
doesn't roll anything higher than a "4", so he misses,
but if the other cop did not hear him the first time, he certainly
heard him now.]
[Mirage 3...cop takes M and goes down]
Mirage smashed the pole into the head and neck of the cop repeatedly
in a series of quick blows and within seconds the cop was down.
He snatched up the stun baton and gun, and then fled down a stairway.
On the next floor he was able to sneak into a dressing room and
quickly snag some street clothes.
Mirage knew how the police operated and it was a simple matter
of avoiding their sweeps. Luckily, neither he nor his "crime"
were significant enough to warrant a serious effort and soon he
was walking the dark, cold streets of Seattle. It was a damn good
thing he had left his weapons behind that night. He had no cash,
no phone, and more than a few bruises. It was time to get home
and gear up again.
He couldn't help wondering how the rest of the team was faring,
but he had to get home, get his gear, and relocate. He'd give
that Junkyard guy a call when he was ready. That Ichiro guy was
just too much of a hard ass.
Whitley immediately knew something was up. There were too many
cops standing at the door of the room. Maybe the problem had resolved
itself. He quickly learned that was not the case.
"Rookie, what's going on here?"
"Sir, yes sir, um the perp ambushed and incapacitated the
officer on watch and then fled the hospital."
"You have got to be kidding me! Did you have cyber restraints
on him?"
"No cyber sir, no spells either."
"Well, what do we know. Did you process him?"
"Yes sir, well no sir."
"Which is it? Spit it out!"
"Well we assigned him a temporary criminal SIN, but he has
not been to the station yet, so we hadn't processed him completely."
"Great job rookie."
Another man walked up, an older looking man with a badge and
wearing a suit of above average quality.
"Yes, detective, can we help you?"
"No, I was just visiting someone and I got curious. Wanted
to see if you boys needed any help."
"Oh, that's quite all right, I think we got it under control."
"Well, if you think having a cop killer on the loose is
under control."
"Excuse me? We have some ganger that walked into the wrong
garage and got beat up by some overzealous guards. He turns around
and beats up one of my rookies. Now, that might upset me, but
it appears this particular rookie was in desperate need of additional
training. His bruises will heal and maybe he'll learn a lesson
about vigilance. As for you, I can loan you my copy of the jurisdictional
guidelines if you need a refresher."
Whitely smiled, "Ah, no, I got it. Looks like you have this
under control. I'll just get back to my business."
Whitley had a call to make to a certain grim Japanese man.
GM Note: The moral of the story is that if you're going to
get caught, it's good to get caught for something minor and without
a truckload of weapons and shadowrunning gear. As much bad luck
as Mirage had, he had some good luck too, of a sort.
Mirage snatches up his gear and relocates to a new place, a better
place with more reliable guards; the kind that don't ask questions
of the tenants and don't roll over to Lonestar for fifty nuyen.
(Moving to Middle Lifestyle now that he's active, per the campaign
It doesn't take long, as he had been spying out this place for
a few weeks. He drops his gear on the floor and gives Junkyard
a call to check on the status of the run. It will be dawn soon,
so either the run is over, or it's yet to happen... |