OK, I tend to get detailed when I create a character.
I like a character to be self-consistent, have depth, and be cool.
To arrive at that, I use a number of resources and decide a lot
of things about the PC.
Table of Contents
- The Basic Character
Concept - "He's got a gun and he knows how to use it
. . . oh, and he kicks ass!"
- What's in a Name? - "Uh,
his name is Bob, no, Angus, wait, no, Shadow Fist!"
- Physical Description
- "Uh, he looks big and tough."
- Background
& Crunching the Numbers - "Orphaned by ninjas, he
has forged himself into . . ."
- Psyche & Habits
- What were you thinking?!
- I Rememer The Face,
but . . . - A face for your character can be a lot of
fun to have.
The Basic Character
This should be the short blurb you might give to describe the
- What is the character's race?
- What is the character's vocation? Be specific.
- What are the character's most fundamental defining characteristics
and abilities?
Example (for a Shadowrun character):
Basically, the concept is a guy that grew up in the
Louisiana bayou, surrounded by magic. He felt a calling
to fight the "predators" of the world. He joined
the New Orleans police force for a short while, but his lack
of corporate savvy and his computer illiteracy made the job
too tedious for him, so he left. He turned to bounty hunting
and found his true calling. Went to Seattle chasing a
bounty, stayed there in his Uncle Jean Baptiste's home for a
while after the bounty was captured. His cash started
to disappear, but he did not know enough about the streets to
work bounties in Seattle just yet. He put out an ad for
a partner. Only one man worth spit responded, Rolf Badden,
a Wolf Shaman (the other PC). They worked together for
a year before the game started and at least trust each other
to watch their backs.
I wanted him to be quick and good at unarmed combat, but
magical, so I went for an Adept. However, I figured
that an Adept without spell defense would not last long hunting
down magical criminals, so I made him a Magician Adept.
I wavered between Mongoose and Gator as Totems, but finally
settled on Mongoose, a totem I created.
What's in a Name?
OK, this can be easy or hard, just as naming a real life person
can be. Be aware of how your name could be truncated into
a nickname. Also, if you are playing a street operative
of any sort, be sure and pick out appropriate street names.
I encourage you to look up appropriate names for a desired ethnicity.
Some useful links:
- If you just don't want to think about it, generate one randomly
based upon US census data with this random
name generator.
- Any baby names source is great.
They not only give a wide variety of names, they also give meanings, which can provide more depth to a character. As a happy consequence, this allows you to learn about names, which is of real life
utility and interest. You can be lazy and just hit your favorite serach engine for "male native american baby names", as an example. There are also a number of babyname sites, but the better ones will let you conduct an advanced search by origin/nationality and gender. On line I have used (I recommend
the advanced search as it allows to search by nationality):
- Another source: Think!
Baby Names
- For a given nationality, you can still find some in the
above, but you can also just do a web seach. Some links
I have used for building characters are:
Example (A name for Cajun bounty hunter in Shadowrun):
Well, his family are original descendants of the Acadian
family Boudreaux. They are a bilingual family, speaking
English and Cajun French. So I chose a first name from
the French language, Etienne. I seem to recall Etienne
being the French analog for "Steven." I wanted a historical
name for his middle name, something pretentious, and some of
my own ancestors had the name Napoleon, but I don't know how
the Acadians felt about him. At a loss, I went with Chauvin,
a fictional character in a French play so renowned for his patriotism
and devotion that his reputation spawned the English word chauvinism:
Main Entry: chau·vin·ism
Pronunciation: 'shO-v&-"ni-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: French chauvinisme, from Nicolas Chauvin,
character noted for his excessive patriotism and devotion
to Napoleon in Théodore and Hippolyte Cogniard's play
La Cocarde tricolore (1831)
Date: 1870
1 : excessive or blind patriotism -- compare
2 : undue partiality or attachment to a group
or place to which one belongs or has belonged
3 : an attitude of superiority toward members
of the opposite sex; also : behavior expressive
of such an attitude
- chau·vin·ist /-v&-nist/
noun or adjective
- chau·vin·is·tic /"shO-v&-'nis-tik/
- chau·vin·is·ti·cal·ly
/-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
The above was taken from the online Merriam-Webster
Voila! Etienne Chauvin Boudreaux
Physical Description
This can help others a lot.
- What is your character's gender?
- What is the character's obvious ethinicity if any?
- What is your character's physical height, weight, and build?
- Weight: Lean, slim, fat, etc.?
- Body type: skinny, square/athletic, or round?
- Color of hair, eyes, skin, etc.?
- What does your character's clothing and visible equipment
look like?
- Quality: sturdy, flimsy, dirty, immaculate, thick?
- Cost: expensive, average, cheap?
- Does he carry a visible weapon or distinctive piece of
- What overall style does the character have? Street,
cowboy, goth, frumpy, business, student, punk, fashion victim?
- Does the character have distinctive jewelry or accessories?
- A hat?
- A purse?
- Jewelry? Ear rings, necklaces, bracelets are most
- A distinctive coat?
- Glasses/sunglasses?
- A cool watch, wristphone, archer's bracer?
- A distinctive tabard over their armor? (usually true
of fighter in a unit, esp. agents of a fantasy world clergy)
- What mood or demeanor does the character convey?
- How does the character carry himself? What is his
bearing like?
- Address all of the appropriate other senses.
- Smell: does the character have a strong and/or distintive
- Hearing: does the character make a strange sound?
Breathes heavily, drags foot, jingling spurs/jewelry, or
an odd absence of sound?
A lean, muscular man strolls into the bar. His height
is above average for a human, about 1.8 meters. He stands
tall and proud as if his arrival is significant. He immediately
starts scanning the room with his eyes as he walks towards the
bar. His gaze flits from woman to woman in the room, lingering
on the more attractive ones. He pays closer attention
to male companions of the women in the room as if measuring
the threat they pose.
He is dressed a little strangely, neither chic nor paramilitary.
An unremarkable face with brown eyes that sparkle with glint
of a quick mind peer from under a worn brown fedora. A short,
slim goatee and mustache frame his lips, which are curled
into a slight grin. The beard is almost black, but his
hair appears to be dark brown. A white sleeveless undershirt
stretches over his muscular torso over which is draped a sturdy
looking dark brown jacket that has the appearance of leather,
although it seems a little thick. He steps over to the
bar and props one shoe on the foot rail and the large, well
defined sinews of his leg press themselves against the baggy
leg of his tan pants. This pose draws attention to his
footwear, dressy work shoes that look like they are made form
some type of reptile skin with an olive color and a faint
banded pattern [king cobra skin]. As he reaches his
hand out to flag down the bartender, his jacket falls open
slightly, revealing plain tan suspenders holding up his pants
and a heavy pistol in a shoulder holster.
An attractive young woman walks by, trying to look oblivious
to his presence. He takes off his his brown fedora and
bows slightly, revealing thick, short, dark brown hair that
has been loosely combed back. He smiles wide and says
in a heavy accent "Bonjour petit femme, a very good
day to you." The accent seems French, but there is something
strange about it. He watches her and nods to himself
as she walks on, then orders a bottle of Blackened Voodoo
and Crunching the Numbers
It's pretty hard to separate the two, but you can create one completely
before the other has been decided. I'd start with the background,
then crunch some numbers, edit the background, and repeat.
I would prefer a background to be submitted in the form of a narrative
as though the character was telling someone he trusted very well
about his past in great detail. For examples, see some of
my characters, Etienne
"Mongoose" Boudreaux, Gabriel
MacGuinness, and Ken
Kaze. For a more interesting approach, take a look at
Shinkaze; I wrote his background in vignettes.
Note: "gaming activity" refers to the things the PCs will be
doing, e.g. wandering the land freeing slaves, investigating
paranormal events, corporate espionage, whatever the campaign
is based around.
- Where was the character born and on what date?
- Was the date and/or the nature of the character's birth
special in some way? Ex: a prophecy, a winter solstice,
- Childhood
- Transient vs. stationary?
- Cosmopolitan vs. sheltered?
- Normal family, broken home, orphan (try to avoid it,
a little overused) ?
- Education & Training
- Where did the character study/train? Pick out specific
names and locations for schools, academies, boot camp, whatever;
it definitely helps strengthen the reality of the PC.
I would be happy to help offer suggestions.
- What did your character learn? Please touch on
the skills learned. You do not need a laundry list.
If you talk about basic training, I'll assume that would
cover, Guns skill (even though in the military you would
not have called it a "gun"), Running, Tactics, Stealth,
Hiking, an improved HT, perhaps some levels of Strong Will,
etc. If the character learned something unusual then
please mention that, e.g. learning origamy at basic training.
- Make a note of degrees, honors, awards, and honorifics
- The earning of permits and licenses with game mechanical
effects should be mentioned.
- The reason that the training was pursued or occurred
could be good material too.
- Be sure to mention any special abilities or unusual
- Important turning points in the character's life
- Change of job/school? Why?
- Change of residence? Why?
- Significant change in belief system or philosophy?
- Important accomplishments?
- Significant relationships with other, family, plutonic,
lovers, etc.? What happened (briefly)?
- Explain the source of philosphies that are significant
to the character concept, some good examples of things to
hash out follow, but also see the next section on Psyche &
- Religion (if any)
- Afterlife, reincarnation, nothing?
- Moral Code, especially regarding
- theft,
- taking another's life,
- some inkling of when performing the gaming activity
takes precedence. Would your character sacrifice
his moral code to do his job? To what extent does
that hold true? This can be anything from "it's
just a job" to "it's my God-given mission."
- Major political beliefs.
- Goals.
- Discuss the character's family.
- The nuclear family.
- Significant family deaths.
- Family life.
- Any dependents?
- Explain significant resources
- Poverty or wealth.
- Contacts.
- Magic Items.
- Really big guns.
- Starship.
- Does the character care especially for anyone?
- How did the character get involved in the gaming activity?
- Why do they continue to do it?
Psyche and Habits
The level of detail here is really up to you. The more detailed
you are here, the more accountable you are to a concept.
That really is a lot more fun as you have a better idea of what
your characer is and what it would do in a given circumstance.
The most important ones are in bold italics.
- Religion (f any)
- Afterlife, reincarnation, nothing?
- Moral Code, especially regarding
- theft,
- taking another's life,
- some inkling of when performing the gaming activity
takes precedence. To do you job, would you sacrifice
your moral code? To what extent does that hold true?
This can be anything from "it's just a job" to "it's my
God-given mission."
- Are there things that your character simply will
not do? Where does the character "draw the line."
- Major political beliefs.
- Goals.
- Personality
- Extrovert vs. introvert
- Happy vs. sad
- Talkative vs. quiet
- Physical vs. Cerebral
- List a few hates, loves, likes, dislikes, and fears.
A mention of this in the background would be appropriate,
but not important.
- Individuals.
- Groups/Companies/Countries
- Pet Peeves
- Habits
- A general schedule of the character's day-to-day life
would be useful, e.g. work on day so-and-so, feed the orphans
on day so-and-so, etc.
- Favorite food and drink.
- Favorite piece of equipment.
- Favorite place.
- Favorite restaurant/entertainment spot.
- What does the character do outside of work?
- Hobbies/pastimes
- Duties, e.g. volunteer work.
- Does the character have superstitions?
- Favorite movies, music, books, etc.
- Miscellaneous quirks, some examples follow.
- ubiquitous toothpick
- coin flipping
- plays with cards
- rubs a stone when nervous
- nervous tic
- talks with hands
- Loyalties?
- Humanities: does the character care for/about art, music,
theater, etc.
- Family ties? Does the character get along with his
family and what level of contact does he have with them?
I Remember the Face
but . . .
Having a face for your character can really help, especially
when you are playing a character very physically different from
yourself. You can track down an artist through friends
or at a nearby school. Another option is a software package
- HeroMachine -
You can buy the software as well as generate an image online.
The images are comic book-like line drawings, but it's still
not bad.
- Faces 3.0, was made by Interquest and was great. Unfortunately,
Faces 4.0 is a big expensive monstrosity now made by IQ
Biometrix and I have yet to find a way to get it affordabily.
It was originally designed as an affordable
composite picture package to allow people to generate images
of the quality of police artist sketches. With a little
skill in Adobe Photoshop or some other image modification
platform, you can even modify the faces further. What
is nice is that a player with no artistic ability can come
close to making a decent face. Some examples of my uses of