Battle Report 3 - Tyranids vs. Shitake Craftworld Eldar
Turn 4
The cries of vengeance that followed the slaying of the Gargoyles
were drowned out by panicked screams as two small hordes of Mortigaunts
raced forward and engaged the Farseers' units. The monstrous Carnifex
fired its living cannon at the remaining Falcon, but only stunned
the crew inside. The Hive Tyrant managed to stun the crew of one
of the Wave Serpents that had arrived with fresh troops.
The eastern unit was slaughtered in the blink of an eye as blood
and bits of flesh sprayed the side of the nearby Falcon. The seething
mass of claws and teeth surged forward and smashed into the eastern
Guardian Defender unit even as the warriors fired their shirked
pistols in desperation.
Half a dozen Mortigaunts fell to the weapons fire of the Guardian
Defenders, but when the mass of beasts slammed into them they
lost a half dozen men and the four remaining fell back. Fortunately
for them, the creatures were slowed ever so slightly finishing
off the wounded and were not quite able to cut them down as they
The Farseer on the western flank bravely stood his ground while
his men were cut down. The beasts pressed in ever closer.
The counterstrike units reinforcing the Eldar from a rear position
finally reached the battle lines. The Wave Serpents unleashed
their cannons and were rewarded by the howl of the Carnifex as
a blast pierced its armor. Inspired by this fortune, morale surged
as the wave serpents raced forward and deployed a unit of Howling
Banshees and a unit of Striking Scorpions. The Howling Banshees
raced forward and struck down the beasts that were stunned by
the Psychic Scream of their Banshee Masks; they devastated the
lead unit of Genestealers. The Striking Scorpions charged boldly
into battle but did not fare as well. As their hearts burst with
pride at their accomplishments, they sighted the dozens of beasts
surging forward to fill the gaps in the ranks and devour them
along with the lumbering monsters that followed close behind.
And somewhere was a strange sense of dread [Hive Tyrant's Psychic
On to turn 5 |