Shadowrun Terms
Note: these are fictional terms
that describe things in the fictional universe of the Shadowrun
game system. They are provided to help you understand game-related
stuff you see on my Shadowrun pages.
Game-specific Terms/Concepts
Activesofts - see
Skillsofts. |
Adept - an Awakened
person that focuses their magical ability inwards. Good
examples would be any of the heroes in those cheesy (but still
good) martial arts movies where they can kill with a touch,
jump high, move inhumanly fast, shatter walls, etc.
They can purchase Astral Perception
as a power (it's not cheap either), but are not given it automatically.
They do not have access to either Sorcery
or Conjuring, although another variation,
the Magician Adept does. |
Amerindian - not a Shadowrun-specific
term, but one that you are likely to see in Shadowrun.
It is a simple truncation of the term "American Indian" and
generally refers to the ethnicity of someone who is a member
or descendant of the "aboriginal peoples of the western hemisphere
except usually the Eskimos; especially: an American Indian
of North America and especially the U.S." [Merriam-Webster
Online Dictionary] |
Anchoring - an ability that
is gained by someone after Initiation.
It allows one to place spells in objects that are activated
by triggers. This is how one would create potions, magica
bombs, some varieties of protective talismans, etc. |
Arcology - effectively a city
contained within a skyscraper. An arcology is a massive building
that contains residences, businesses, shops, entertainment,
and all of the other niceties of civilization. It is a common
theme in science-fiction as the vertical structure facilitates
high population density. This way, cities acan sprawl up as
well as out. |
Ares Predator - the most
popular model of Heavy Pistol and the primary weapon of my
character, Ken
Kaze. Its big and scary and has a 15 round clip,
making it a good primary weapon, but a little too bulky for
a backup weapon. |
Armorer - as in real life,
an Armorer in Shadowrun handles and works on guns. They
can build, repair, and customize them. Essentially,
the analog of a mechanic for guns. In SR, many shadowrunners
depend on guns for their livelihood, so Armorers are often
valuable contacts. |
Aspected Magician
- an Awakened person with a more focused
magical ability. They have access to either Sorcery
or Conjuring. The former
is called a Sorcerer, the latter is
acalled a Conjurer. They also
have Astral Perception, but
not Astral Projection. |
Astral Perception
- this is the ability to look into the Astral
Plane while residing in the physical world. The
advantage to this is that you can perceive Magicians
in Astral Space that are using Astral
Projection, active spells on people and/or things, living
versus non-living things, Spirits hiding
in Astral Space, and the auras of living creatures (see Auras).
The less natural or living a thing is, the harder it is to
see. A radio would look like a black box. In general,
while perceiving astrally, all tasks based in the physical
world are more difficult to do, e.g. driving a car, shooting
a gun, etc. While perceiving, you can be attacked from
both physical and Astral threats, so it can be dangerous (see
Dual Natured). |
Astral Projection
- this can only be done by a Magician
(a special type of spirit with a special power can also grant
this ability temporarily for anyone). It involves leaving
one's physical body to travel about Astral
Space. While away, your body is completely vulnerable
and you receive no sensory input from it. This can only
be done for a handful of hours at a time. If the Magician
can not get back to it's body in time, it dies. A Magician
can Manifest in this state. |
Astral Signature -
this is the trace left behind from the use of Sorcery.
It can be seen by skilled application of Astral
Perception, to include a Magician
using Astral Projection.
Astral Space/Plane
- a mirror plane. This is essentially where more magic
stuff exists. Spirits appear
here when summoned, objects in the physical plane are perceived
as having more or less life, more or less magical ability
(see Astral Perception).
A Magician can travel in this place
via Astral Projection.
Generally, something exclusively in Astral Space can not affect
something in the physical world. When one uses Astral
Projection or Perception, they are considered Astrally
Active. Spirits must manifest to affect things in
the physical world beyond their summoner, and this makes them
Dual-natured. |
Astrally Active - A
being that is actively using Astral
Perception, Astral Projection,
and/or Dual Natured. Such a person
is visible in Astral Space
and vulnerable to attacks from it as well as other nasty things,
like Possessing. |
Auras - the appearance of a living
creature in Astral Space,
seen by Astral Perception
or during Astral Projection.
With experience, on can tell if a person is magical, what
emotions they are feeling, their health, toxins in their system,
how much cyberware is in their body, and more. Also,
Auras have a distinct appearance. See also Magical
Signature. |
Awakened - describes anyone
in the Shadowrun world that can use magic in any form. |
Background Count -
this is akin to a "bad" Aura for an area.
Many things can cause this, such as abuse fo the land, abuse/killing
of people, great misery, etc. It makes Magical tasks
more difficult and makes the area less pleasant for the Astrally
active. |
Better Than Life Chip(s)
- These are addictive varieties of Simsense
chips that are sold illegally and are essentially yet another
drug trade. Even worse than a drug in that you don't just
experience euphoria, you do so in your own private Utopia.
Slang terms: beetles, playback, zombie chips, mindbenders,
and trancers. |
Body - This attribute reflects
a character's fitness, immune system, healing ability, and/or
physical mass. A low value can reflect someone that is skinny,
sickly, or frail. A high value can reflect someone that never
gets sick, exercises regularly, and/or just a big solid badass.
Also see What
The Numbers Mean on my Shadowreality
page. |
Bone Lacing - A piece of
Cyberware that consists of lacing
the recipient's bones with a material that strengthens it,
such as plastic, aluminium, ceramic, and titanium. This makes
you tougher and your punches and kicks hit harder. Of course,
some varieties will set off a metal detector, which can be
annoying. |
Boosted Reflexes -
A type of Cyberware that consists
of electrochemical treatments that enhance the patient's reflexes.
While not quite as wiz as Wired
Reflexes, they can definitely put you a "cut"
above the pack. The advantage is that they cost less money
and Essence; however, the big disadvantage
is that they can never be upgraded or removed and the user
can never use Wired Reflexes or a Vehicle
Control Rig. |
Centering - an ability that
is gained by someone after Initiation.
It allows one to essentially focus their mind/body to accomplish
something more easily. Magicians can use it to make
resisting drain and the use of Magical skills easier.
Adepts can use it to perform actions more easily, eventually
including such skills as shooting guns and driving cars.
A "zen archery" type of effect, this skill does require some
extra technique that is used as a medium for concentration.
Good examples are Zen meditation, chanting ancient languages
and/or mantras, some musical skill, etc. |
Certified credstick
- a certified credstick is essentially the same thing as cash,
a lot more durable, and a lot easier to carry when you need
to toss around thousands of nuyen. It is a more primitive
credstick that contains cred, but
does not require ID. Don't lose it. |
Charisma - This attribute
reflects a character's self-image, ego, appearance, and presence,
but no one of those attributes alone can grant a high Charisma.
A low value can reflect selfish, whiny, annoying, and/or socially
oblivious person. A high value can reflect a strong presence,
bearing, affability, sincere altruism, and/or a good sense
of humor. Also see What
The Numbers Mean on my Shadowreality
page. |
Chipjack - A piece of Cyberware
that consists of a specialized Datajack
port in the user's head that allows her to access chips such
as Skillsofts. |
Cleansing - an ability that
is gained by someone after Initiation.
It allows one to remove penalties due to Background Count.
This can not be used against really bad, long term stuff,
like the residual spritual/magical background of a death camp.
- Elementals vs. Nature
Spirits - Elementals can only be conjured by a Hermetic
Mage; Nature Spirits can only be conjured by a Shaman.
Elementals are much harder to summon innitially, requiring
hours of time, thousands of nuyen, and a large summoning circle;
whereas Nature Spirits can be summoned at any time.
Elementals last until their services are used; Nature Spirits
last until sunset or sunrise, whichever comes first.
A Mage can have a number of Elementals under his control simultaneously;
a Shaman can only have one Nature Spirit under his control
at a given time. Elementals are constrained to be within
a few hundred meters of the Mage; Nature Spirits are constrained
to their domain, which can be very restrictive or very liberating,
depending on the situation. Elementals can aid Mages
with casting and researching spells, as well as sustaining
spells for them; Nature Spirits can not. In practice,
Nature Spirits offer more versatility because one does not
need to decide ahead of time what to summon; Elementals have
to be chosen ahead of time, but that also means no tiring
conjuration in the middle of combat. Six of one, half
dozen of another. I think they are equally useful, pick
the type of magic that suits your character concept. |
Concealment - a Nature
Spirit power, the Spirit makes it harder for the recipients
to be seen. |
Conjurer - A type of Aspected
Magician. They choose Conjuring
and forfeit Sorcery. They must
still choose the Hermetic Tradition
or the Shamanic Tradition for their
magic. |
Conjuring - the summoning
and banishing of Spirits. Once
summoned, a Spirit can do services for you.
This must be done via the Hermetic
Tradition or the Shamanic Tradition.
A Shaman summons Nature
Spirits whereas a Hermetic Mage,
or simply Mage, summons Elementals.
Credstick - "...pen-sized
tubes that serve as simultaneous ID and credit card."
[238, SR3] It also functions as an ATM card, but credit is
the usual way of paying for things. Cash is still a viable
commodity in the shadow community, where traceable transactions
are a dangerous habit, however, a certified
credstick is essentially the same thing, a lot more durable,
and a lot easier to carry when you need to toss around thousands
of nuyen. |
Cyber cafe - something akin
to a coffeshop or teahouse with high-speed data terminals
at each table. The food is generally snack-like food
and the drinks are typically highly caffeinated, for the truly
"wired" experience. |
Cybereye - A piece of Cyberware
that consists of cybernetic replacement of an eye, usually
both. A cybereye has 20/20 vision and whatever color the user
wishes. There's a lot more beyond that. The eye(s) can be
fitted with a recorder, magnification, Low-Light
Vision/Imaging, Thermographic
Vision/Imaging, flare compensation (reduces effect of
blinding light), and other nifty features. One useful feature
is a display link that allows you to see data accessed through
a chip; or an image link which allows you see not only data
but images as well, ideal for a bounty hunter or team leader. |
Cyberlimb - A piece of Cyberware
that consists of a limb replaced by a cybernetic limb. Such
limbs can be equipped with great strength, built-in devices,
and/or a Smartlink. A Cyberlimb tends
to hit a little harder and take damage better than meat, so
Cyberlimbs increase hand-to-hand damage delivered and can
reduce the amount suffered. |
Cyberspace - another reference
to the environment of the Matrix. |
Cyberware - machines, weapons,
devices, armor, and other components surgically implanted
in a person; a grafting of man and machine. Some of examples
are Bone Lacing, Boosted
Reflexes, Chipjack, Cyberware,
Cyberlimb, Datajack,
Dermal plating, Hand
Blade, Hand Razors, Muscle
Replacement, Retinal Modification,
SimrigsSimrigs, Smartlinks,
Skillwires, Spurs, Vehicle Control Rig, and Wired Reflexes.
A living being can only tolerate so much invasion of their
body by Cyberware and this is reflected in an Essence
cost for each component. Higher grades exist that cost more
money but cost less Essence, allowing a Street
Samurai to more Cyberware into his body; such higher grade
gear is also desirable by the Awakened, as the loss of Essence
takes a toll on their ability with Magic. |
Datajack - A piece of Cyberware
that consists of a port in the user's head that allows her
to interface cybernetically with appropriately equipped gear.
A Decker usually wears his Datajack
in his temple, whereas a Rigger usually
wears her jack behind and below her ear. |
Datasofts - see Skillsofts. |
Decker - hackers pale in comparison.
The Decker jacks the computer directly into his head and enters
cyberspace to get the data he needs. These people navigate
a whole separate sub reality created by computers called the
Matrix. They are valuable for
getting past security; altering, stealing, removing, or creating
data; and simple research. |
Dermal Plating - A piece
of Cyberware that consists of subdermal
plates and fibers grafted to the recipient's skin. They help
protect a character from damage. They are not subtle, but
they are effective. |
Divining - an ability that
is gained by someone after Initiation.
It allows one to use Divination. It requires Divining
skill as well as a skill for a method of divining, e.g. astrology,
dowsing, etc. Basically, a Psychic friend that actually
can see cool stuff, as opposed to the charlatans of the real
world. In Shadowrun, the charlatan has the skill for
the divining method, but lacks the Divining skill and the
Divining metamagical ability, although they probably would
still charge $5 per minute to tell people what they want to
hear. |
DocWagon - A character can
purchase a contract with this company, which gives them 24-hour
monitoring and medical emergency services on call. The
customer wears a bracelet that monitors their vitals and when
something bad happens, to include the bracelet being traumatically
removed or a panic button activated, DocWagon responds with
a team within minutes. For a real life company, see
Applied Digital Solutions'
web page about their Digital
Angel™ patent. |
Dragon - Shadowrun dragons
are remarkably powerful beings that can readily assume human
form. |
Drones - unmanned vehicles,
generally remote controlled by a rigger or automated with
simple commands. Usually, they are used for reconnaissance,
security, and combat. Without big guns, they can be
very deadly to face. |
Dual Natured - something
that exists in the Astral Plane
and the physical world simultaneously. This makes them
vulnerable to attack from both planes, as they are always
Astrally Active. Some
creatures are naturally dual natured and anyone that is using
Astral Perception is essentially
temporarily dual natured. |
Dwarf/Dwarves - one of
the Metahuman races of the Shadowrun
universe. They are shorter but very broad, having a
little more strength, physical toughness, and determination
than the average human. They also possess Thermographic
Vision and a special resistance to disease and poisons.
Dwarves tend to see less race hatred directed their way.
They look very human except for their size. They are
shorter and thus less scary to humans, and a short person
is nothing new. |
Eco-terrorist/ Eco-guerilla
- A militant environmentalist. These people tend to
take a more radical and often violent approach to environmental
reform. They are usually like any other guerilla or
terrorist, but there political agenda is environmentalism.
Elementals - these are beings
summoned from the Metaplanes. They are the embodiment
of the element - earth, wind, air, water. They are summoned
via the Hermetic Tradition using
Conjuring. The summoning process
requires a large magical circle, thousands of nuyen of money,
and hours of time. They have the ability to aid their
master in the use of Hermetic Magic by aiding in the research,
casting, and sustaining of such spells. The spell types
they can affect are limited - fire for combat, earth for manipulation,
air for detection, water for illusion. They are constrained
to stay within a few hundred meters of their master.
See also Comparison:
Elementals vs. Nature Spirits. |
Elf/Elves - One of the Metahuman
races. Elves tend to receive less prejudice from humans,
but consider that they are more charismatic on average and
are not physically tougher or stronger, i.e., less threatening.
Some Elves have formed sheltered communities. Elves
are often vegetarians. Elves have a distinct, separate
language - Sperethiel. Not all Elves speak it and some
non-Elves do. Elves tend to have finer features and
pointy ears. Some racial slurs for Elves are "Keebler"
and "Leafeater". |
Essence - Essentially, the
stuff of life. The invasion of the body by Cyberware
reduces one's Essence. If a person loses all of their Essence,
they simply stop living. Magic, being tuned to life, is more
difficult to harness and control if the user has a low Essence.
Attempts to use Magic to heal the body of one with a low Essence
is also more difficult. |
EX - EX explosive rounds.
Highest quality explosive round available. These rounds
have a little more punch, making them more effective against
Spirits, vehicle, barriers, etc. |
Field Spirit - a type
of Nature Spirit, their domain
worked fields to include agricultural areas and grassy regions
of parks. |
Fixer - Generic term for someone
who can fix you up with what you need. That can be people,
items, info, whatever. Some specialize, some dabble
in everything. |
Ford Americar - by far
the most common car in use. It is the Model T of Shadowrun.
If you want to be inconspicuous, this is the car of choice.
Hand Blade - A piece of
Cyberware that consists of a blade
that slides out of the side of the hand. These come in retractable
or fixed varieties. More deadly than Hand
Razors, but less deadly than Spurs.
Hand Razors - A piece of
Cyberware that consists of blades
attached to the back of the hand. These come in retractable
or fixed varieties. Less deadly than a Hand
Blade or Spurs. |
Hearth Spirit - a type
of Nature Spirit, their domain
is structures in which people reside, this includes places
of work that have people in them a good chunk of the day.
Hermetic Mage (or follower
of the Hermetic Tradition, aka "Mage") - Usually this refers
to a Magician that follows the "Hermetic
Tradition." However, it can also refer to anyone with
the ability to use Sorcery and Conjuring
in the Hermetic Tradition. This tradition is the scientific/scholarly
approach to magic. By careful study and research, magic
is executed with formulae and rigorous theory. Mages
are often viewed as the more clinical Magicians. They
do not choose a Totem, and they Spirits
they can summon are Elementals.
IC/Ice/Black Ice
- Intrusion Countermeasures. Computer security consisting
of smart programs designed to keep hackers out of systems.
"Black Ice" generally refers to IC that can kill an intruder.
Ice - See IC. |
- in Shadowrun, this usually refers to an Awakened
person gaining access to more powerful magic and Metamagical
Techniques. Advancement is in grades, starting with
Grade 1. Just being Initiated, as opposed to not, is
cool, but IMO, Grade 4 is when an Initiate starts to really
get cool. |
Intelligence - This attribute
reflects a character's perceptual, conceptual, analytical,
and intellectual abilities. A low value can reflect an uneducated,
oblivious, short sighted, and/or easily distracted person.
A high value can reflect critical thinking, good problem solving,
an excellent memory, an ability to multitask, and/or an ability
to apply knowledge. Also see What
The Numbers Mean on my Shadowreality
page. |
Invoking - an ability that
is gained by someone after Initiation.
In a nutshell, it allows one to summon more powerful Spirits.
Knowsofts - see Skillsofts. |
Linguasofts - see Skillsofts. |
Low-Light Vision/Imaging
- an ability to see well in dim lighting as faint as starlight.
Complete darkness is just as dark. |
LTG - Local Telecommunications
Grid, the phone system of the Shadowrun universe. An
"LTG" usually refers to one's phone number. |
Mafia - This classic organized
crime element is still alive and kicking in the Shadowrun
universe. They tend to be a lot more accepting of Metahumans
than the Yakuza, but are not nearly
as open as Seoulpa Rings. There
is a family in Seattle that is quite religious and bigoted
towards Metahumans as well as Awakened
people, which tends to hamper their ability to succeed.
Relative to other elements, they are a little rougher in their
practices. The capo, or head of the Seattle families,
is currently Maurice "The Butcher" Bigio. |
Mage - see Hermetic
Mage |
Magic - [For the remarkably ignorant,
this is still just a fictional game, if your looking for a
"real" treatment of Magic, you have come to the
wrong place.] Well, it's Magic, you see. Healing crippling
wounds with a touch, flinging fireballs conjured seemingly
from nowhere, calling Spirits to do
your bidding, etc. There are forces beyond the comprehension
of mankind that govern the world. In Shadowrun, this "Magic"
ebbs and flows in a 5,000-year cycle. In Shadowrun, Magic
is on the rise. Those that can harness Magic in any form and
use it are called Awakened, as are
those that simply exhibit magical abilities of any kind. |
Magic Rating - A measure
of a character's ability to channel and control the forces
of Magic, primarily Spell casting
and Conjuring. |
Magical Signature
- see Astral Signature. |
Magician - generic term for
an Awakened person that has full magical
abilities - Sorcery, Conjuring,
Astral Perception, and Astral
Projection. |
Magician Adept - essentially,
an Adept that has also paid for the ability
to use Sorcery and Conjuring.
This decision has to be made during character creation.
This odd mixture allows one to make some unusual character
types, a "Jedi Knight" (tm Lucas Arts?) for example.
However, like a Jedi, it takes time for them to get powerful.
Unfortunately for would-be Jedi, there is no light saber in
Shadowrun :-P . One of my characters, Ken
Kaze, is a Magician Adept. In hindsight, some of
his powers are quite Jedi-like, but he is definitely no Jedi.
He can't even use a sword . . . yet. |
Manifest - When an entity
on the Astral Plane manifests
in the physical world. A Magician
using Astral Projection can
do this, but simply appears as a shimmering form. He
can not directly affect the physical world this way.
Spirits must manifest to use there powers and/or attack things
in the physical world; being Astral beings, they prefer not
to do this. |
Masking - an ability that is
gained by someone after Initiation.
It allows one to disguise their Aura.
One can hide their magical nature, Astral
presence, etc. Only other Initiates
can penetrate the veil of Masking. |
Matrix - the term used to refer
to the sub reality of cyberspace in the Shadowrun universe.
In simple terms, it's like a 3-D icon-based interface with
computers. The important thing is that you can get hurt
trying to hack something if you are not a Decker,
although routine stuff rarely holds any danger. |
[slang] - includes humans as well as the races that re-appeared
with the return of magic: Dwarves,
Trolls, Elves,
Orks. There are other variants,
but they are nonstandard, feel free to buy the books and read
about them, there are too many of them to worry about and
some of them are just silly. |
Metamagical Techniques/Metamagic
- the special magical skills learned by Initiates.
They include such abilities as Anchoring, Centering, Cleansing,
Divining, Invoking, Masking, Possessing,
Quickening, Reflecting, and Shielding. An initiate is
generally more dangerous than a non-initiate. |
Metaplane - I dunno, this
magical place where Elementals come
from and where nifty magical abilities come from after Initiation.
Hermetic Mages perform journey there in
Astral Space for various
reasons. |
Muscle Replacement
- A piece of Cyberware that consists
of |
Nature Spirits - these
are the Spirits that are summoned via
the Shamanic Tradition using Conjuring.
They are teh very stuff that make sup their domain, the magical
and life energy inherent in the domain from which they are
conjured. They can be summoned with one complex action
at any time, provided the Shaman is in their domain, e.g.
wooded area for Forest spirits. The services they provide
are dependent on the type of Spirit, but typically they can
manifest in the physical world, aid or hinder others' movement,
confuse enemies, protect, search, cause accidents to happen,
and others. They are restricted to their domains, and
a Shaman can only have one Spirit under his command at any
time. He can summon a Nature Spirit, give it a command
and then switch to a new domain and summon another Nature
Spirit. The abandoned Nature Spirit can not be further
commanded, but it will carry out it's orders. See also
Elementals vs. Nature Spirits. |
Non-Player Character (aka "NPC")
- This term is not exclusive to Shadowrun, it is a general
gaming term. It refers to the characters run by gamemaster,
as opposed to the characters run by the players, which are
called Player Characters, or PCs. NPCs are the sidekicks,
villains, innocent bystanders, contacts, etc. They are
the people that populate the world the players adventure in.
How NPCs are handled can often make or break the enjoyment
of a game. |
NPC - see Non-Player Character.
Nuyen - The standardized currency
of the Shadowrun universe. |
Ork/Orks - Another Metahuman
race, Orks tend to be a little bigger than humans, but some
can still pass for one. They are stronger and tougher,
but a little less appealing and a tiny bit less mentally agile
than a human. They also possess Low-Light
Vision. They experience more race hatred than some Metahumans
because they are quite common, less attractive, and humans
generally perceive them as physically threatening. The
fact that they often have tusks and a generally non-human
look to their faces does not help. As a result of this,
Orks are generally at the forefront of Metahuman rights movements.
One racial slur Orks is "Tusker". |
PC - see Player Character. |
Player Character (aka "PC")
- This term is not exclusive to Shadowrun, it is a general
gaming term. It refers to the characters run by the
players in the game. All other characters are run by
the gamemaster and called Non-Player Characters, or NPCs.
Possessing - An ability
that is gained by someone after Initiation.
It allows a Magician that is using
Astral Projection to take
over the body of another Astrally
Active being. |
Quickening - an ability
that is gained by someone after Initiation.
It allows one to to make a spell permanent without a
need for a spell focus. |
Quickness - This attribute
reflects a character's reflexes, energy level, running speed,
coordination, agility, and flexibility. A low value can reflect
a lack of athletic activity, poor balance, and/or some mild
physical condition that restricts physical activity. A high
value can reflect manual dexterity, agility, grace, awareness
of your body and position, and/or good balance (and no, typing
a lot will not give you a high Quickness, go play soccer you
slob!). Also see What
The Numbers Mean on my Shadowreality
page. |
Reflecting - an ability
that is gained by someone after Initiation.
It allows one to reflect a spell back upon the caster. |
Reflex Trigger - A piece
of Cyberware that allows you to mentally
switch Wired Reflexeson and
off and is advisable to preserve your sanity; living at fast
forward 24-7 can wear a person down. |
Retinal Modification
- A piece of Cyberware that consists
of modifying the patient's retina to provide the same enhancements
available in a cybereye. This does not require the replacement
of the natural eye, but can quickly become more costly in
money and Essence if multiple options
are taken. |
Rigger - Pilots/drivers that
have had a Vehicle Control
Rig implanted in them. Riggers can run rings around normal
folks and can accomplish astounding feats with a vehicle.
A Rigger also needs a Datajack to
connect to their vehicle. |
Seoulpa Rings - Another
flavor of organized crime in the world of Seattle in the Shadowrun
universe. These tend to be smaller, independent units
that fill in the cracks. Usually they have smaller,
close-knit "families". |
Shaikujin [Japanese] - Translates
as "Honest citizen." A corporate employee. |
Shaman (or follower of the Shamanic Tradition)
- Usually this refers to a Magician
that follows the "Snamanic Tradition." However, it can
also refer to anyone with the ability to use Sorcery
and Conjuring in the Shamanic Tradition.
This tradition is the the more mystical, spiritual approach
to magic. Through chanting and ritual, magic is executed.
A Shaman is generally perceived as more emotional and their
magic comes from within. They must choose a Totem,
which generally defines their magic. The Spirits
they can summon are Nature Spirits.
Shielding - an ability that
is gained by someone after Initiation.
It provides much more effective spell defense. |
Simdeck - A piece of equipment
that allows you to play back a Simsense chip. |
Simrigs - A piece of Cyberware
that consists of the interface and equipment necessary to
record your sensory input to a chip for use in a Simdeck.
This is how you get the chips for a Simsense experience. |
Simsense - Short for "simulated
sensorium." This is seen in many sci-fi offerings, e.g.
the holodeck in Star Trek, the devices in TekWar,
and the main focus of the movie Strange Days. Basically,
you hook yourself up to a system that provides your brain
with impulses that supplant your senses with a full sensory
experience recorded by someone else equipped with a Simrig.
There is a dark side to this (big surprise) that comes in
the form of "Better Than Life" chips or BTL. |
Skillsofts - Skills on chips.
A user needs a Chipjack or Datajack
to access these. The most sophisticated, Activesofts, allow
a user to chip an Active Skill; social and magical Active
Skills are not included, the nuances required for these skills
defy programming. The next most sophisticated, Knowsofts,
provide the user with the abilities of a Knowledge Skill,
essentially a degree on a chip; a subclassification of Knowsofts
is Linguasofts, which confer on the user the ability to speak
a language. Finally, the most simple are Datasofts, which
simply contain data to that the user can access. Realize that
a chipped skill will never be quite as good as an equal level
of natural skill, and others may notice something odd about
your use of the skill. |
Skillwires - A piece of
Cyberware that consists of neural
modifications that allow the user to "chip" in a
skill. A Chipjack is needed to allow
insertion of the skill chips, known as |
Smartlink - One of the most
popular pieces of Cyberware, this
system works in concert with electronics in an appopriately
equipped weapon to provide a targeting reticle on your retina.
So if your eye and your gun are both looking at the target,
you can shoot it. It is like the next evolution in laser
sights and is a serious advantage in firefights. |
SMG - abbreviatioin for Submachinegun.
Sorcerer - A type of Aspected
Magician. They choose Sorcery
and forfeit Conjuring. They
must still choose the Hermetic Tradition
or the Shamanic Tradition for their
magic. |
Sorcery (aka "Spell casting")
- The skill of casting a spell which is generally the use
of magic to cause a specific result. Spells have a lot
of different effects to include, healing, killing, creating
fire, seeing beyond walls, hiding, protection, slinging lightning
bolts, flying, and a whole host of others. This must
be done via the Hermetic Tradition
or the Shamanic Tradition. A Shaman
will often have an advantage or disadvantage with casting
a certain class of spells due to their Totem.
Spell Casting - see Sorcery.
Spell Defense - using
one's Spell Pool to defend against spells. |
Spell Pool - a dice pool
that spell casters possess. It is determined by the average
of Intelligence, Willpower, and Magic Rating. It can be used
to assist in Sorcery or Spell
Defense. |
Spirits - a generic catch-all
term for the Astral entities that can be summoned by a properly
skilled Awakened character. A follower of the Shamanic
Tradition summons Nature Spirits;
a follower of the Hermetic Tradition
summons Elementals. Strong
spirits (Force 5 and above) are tough to fight with normal
weapons, and it seems that PCs almost never face a measly
Force 4 or lower <smirk>. The best bet is damaging
spells and/or magical weapons, to include the Adept
ability Killing Hands. |
Spurs - A piece of Cyberware
that consists of either a narrow blade along a long bone or
three shorter blades attached to the back of the hand. These
come in retractable or fixed varieties. More deadly than Hand
Razors or a Hand Blade. |
Street Samurai - aka
Sammy [slang]. The cybered warriors of
the streets. They are usually augmented to be faster,
stronger, tougher, and equipped with various sensory enhancements.
The signature enhancement they all seem to share is the Smartlink.
Sammies tend to be less subtle, but they usually get their
job done, and their job is usually to take people out or stop
people from taking someone else out. Everyone breathes
easier with a sammy on their team. |
Strength - This attribute
reflects a character's raw muscle power as well as their ability
to apply their strength. A low value can reflect low self-esteem,
insecurity, and/or a desire to be a follower. A high value
can reflect self-confidence, a "neve say die" attitude,
and/or the resolve to make command decisions. Also see What
The Numbers Mean on my Shadowreality
page. |
System Identification Number [slang
form is SIN] - The Shadowrun equivalent of a social
security number. In Shadowrun, there are a lot of formally
disenfranchised people that do not have SINs. It is from the
ranks of the "SINless" that Shadowrunners are often
drawn. |
Talismonger - someone that
deals in magical goods, such as simple chalks and paints,
summoning materials, medicine lodge materials, foci, fetishes,
etc. |
Thermographic Vision/Imaging-
basically imaging by temperature. This type of vision
allows one to see in terms of heat. Mechanically, it's
very handy for fights in dark rooms. Conceptually, it's
pretty cool for getting more information, e.g. the engine
of that mysterious car outside is still warm. |
Totem - A follower of the Shamanic
Tradition of magic must choose a Totem. The Totem
is like a god to some, a companion to others, and in
some people's eyes a psychological construct by which the
Shaman defines his magic. Regardless of the reality
of the Totem, they come in various forms. There are
Animal Totems like Wolf, Nature Totems like Moon, Mythic Totems
like Phoenix, Idol Totems like Sky Father, and Loa like Legba.
Generally, they give advantages and disadvantages consistent
with a certain framework, e.g. a Wolf Shaman is better at
Combat and Detection spells, has a pack mentality, but can
go berserk in combat, lashing out at friend and foe alike.
Triad - The predominantly Chinese
entry into organized crime. They are very traditional.
Trideo - from 3D or tridimensional,
the TV of the Shadowrun universe. Trid(s) can also refer to
a show(s) on the trid. |
Troll/Trolls - the biggest,
scariest-looking variety of Metahuman. Trolls are much
stronger and tougher than humans, and possess Thermographic
Vision. They also have bony deposits that give them
the benefits of one level of Dermal
Plating. Trolls are physically and mentally slower than
other Metahumans and not nearly as charismatic; of course,
some of that latter problem may be just plain old fear of
Trolls. They are a full three meters tall and generally have
horns and or tusks. A Racial slur for Trolls is Trog,
short for Troglodyte, the underground-dwelling beast men that
killed and ate the peaceloving humans called Eloi (sp?) in
H.G. Wells' Time Machine. Trolls are rare (1-2 % of
the population usually) and most people are happy about that.
Most people fear a Troll and that quickly leads to hatred;
of course, Trolls are just so fraggin BIG, people usually
just try not to see them. Luckily for the Trolls, Orks are
smart and politically active, so they take a lot of heat off
of Trolls. |
Vehicle Control Rig
- A piece of Cyberware that consists
of implants and neural modifications that allow you to interface
with a vehicle via a Datajack. The
ultimate mesh of vehicle and pilot. Using a Vehicle Control
Rig, you can feel the vehicle respond as though it were an
extension of your own body. If you have such a rig, you are
called a Rigger. |
Willpower - This attribute
reflects a character's sheer force of will. A low value can
reflect low self-esteem, insecurity, and/or a desire to be
a follower. A high value can reflect self-confidence, a "never
say die" attitude, and/or the resolve to make command
decisions. Also see What
The Numbers Mean on my Shadowreality
page. |
Wired Reflexes - A piece
of Cyberware that in which the nervous
system has been enhanced with surgical implants and replacements
to provide the patient with superhuman reaction speeds. There
are three levels of this. At all levels, a Reflex Trigger
is advisable to preserve the user's sanity; living at fast
forward 24-7 can wear a person down. |
Yakuza - Basically, the Japanese
Mafia. They tend to be polite, traditional, formal,
and quite racist. Only humans of Japanese descent are likely
to ascend very high in their ranks, and if it's a man, that's
even better. Metahumans are tolerated at the very best.
In the game, the Seattle Yakuza are just a different type
of mafia thugs that hide behind honor, duty, etc. The oyabun,
or boss, of the Seattle Yakuza is Hanzo Shotozumi. He has
declared his region Shotzumi-rengo, independent of the good
ol' boys back in Japan. This has created enemies for him among
the Yakuza.
I have actually heard that in real life, in Japan, there have
actually been times that the Yakuza have acted in a very community-oriented
way, on behalf of the community. However, I don't mean to
glorify crime; crime is bad. Organized crime invariably takes
more than it gives. 'nuff said. |
Slang Terms
Angel - "A benefactor, especially
an unknown one." [FanPro
site] |
Arc [slang] - Refers to an Arcology. |
Beetles [slang] - Refers to Better
Than Life chips. |
Biz [slang] - Criminal business, a.k.a. crime. |
Black Ice [slang] - see IC. |
BTL [slang] - Refers to Better
Than Life chips. |
Buzz [slang] - "Go away. Buzz off." [FanPro
site] |
Capo - The head of the Mafia
in a given city/region. The current capo of Seattle is Maurice
"the Butcher" Bigio. |
Caporegime - The people
that work directly with/for the Capo. |
Chipped [slang] - "Senses, skills, reflexes,
muscles, and so on, enhanced by cyberware." [FanPro
site] |
Chummer [slang] - buddy, pal, chum. |
Comm [slang] - "The telephone." [FanPro
site] |
Company Men/Women [slang] - basically the slick,
black ops people that work for corporations. In operation,
they only really differ from Shadowrunners in that they work
for one specific company. |
Corp [slang] - Short for corporation. |
Cred [slang] - money. Short for credit or credstick;
take your pick. |
Cyber cafe [slang] - akin to a coffeshop with
computers and datalines. |
Cyberspace [slang] - another reference to the environment
of the Matrix. |
Dandelion Eater [slang]
- a racial slur for Elves. |
Dataslave [slang] - "Corporate
decker or other data processing employee." [FanPro
site] Often a derogatory term for a legitimate corporate
computer person. |
Datasteal [slang] - "Theft
of data from a computer, usually by decking." [FanPro
site] |
Deck [slang] - "A cyberdeck.
v. To use a cyberdeck, usually illegally." [FanPro
site] |
Decker [slang] - see above. |
Deckhead [slang] - "Simsense
abuser; anyone with a datajack or chipjack." [FanPro
site] |
DocWagon [slang] - This is not actually slang, it's
the company name of DocWagon. |
Drek [vulgar slang] - crap, sh@#,
as in "We're in a load of drek now." |
Dumped [slang] - "Involuntarily
ejected from the Matrix." [FanPro
site] |
Dumpshock [slang] - the systemic
shock to a Rigger's body when they are
dumped from the Matrix. |
Eco-terrorist/ Eco-guerilla [slang] - A militant
environmentalist. These people tend to take a more radical
and often violent approach to environmental reform.
They are usually like any other guerilla or terrorist, but
there political agenda is environmentalism. |
Exec [slang] - "Corporate
executive." [FanPro
site] |
Fetishman [slang] - "A
talismonger." [FanPro
site] |
Fixer [slang] - See above. |
[vulgar slang] - the "F-word" of the Shadowrun Universe.
A more archaic use is to use in place of kill as a verb, as
in "Frag him." |
Geek [slang] - to kill, as in
"Geek the Mage!" |
Go gang - a vehicle-based gang,
e.g. a biker gang. |
Go ganger - a member of a
go gang. |
Go-go-go [slang] - "A bike
gang or gang member." [FanPro
site] |
Heatwave [slang] - "Police
crackdown." [FanPro
site] |
Hoi [slang] - informal greeting,
"Hi" or "Hello." [FanPro
site] |
Hoop [slang] - butt, ass,
rear, as in "Get your hoop shot off." |
Hose [slang] - "Louse up.
Screw up." [FanPro
site] |
IC/Ice/Black Ice [slang] - Intrusion Countermeasures.
Computer security consisting of smart programs designed to
keep hackers out of systems. "Black Ice" generally refers
to IC that can kill an intruder. See IC. |
Ice [slang] - See IC. |
Jack [slang] - "Jack In,
or enter cyberspace. Jack out, or to leave cyberspace."
site] |
Jander[slang] - "To walk
in an arrogant yet casual manner; to strut." [FanPro
site] |
Keebler [vulgar slang] - a
racial slur for Elves, derived from the
lovable little cookie-baking elves from trid ads. |
Kobun [Japanese, slang loanword]
- "Member of a Yakuza clan."
site] |
Leafeater [vulgar slang]
- a racial slur for Elves, derived
from their vegetarian stereotype. |
Matrix [slang] - The computized reality of data management
in Shadowrun; read about it above. |
Meatbod/Meatbody [slang] -
A Decker in the Matrix referring to his real body outside
the Matrix. |
Meta [slang] - Metahuman, see
above. |
Mindbenders [slang] - Refers to Better
Than Life chips. |
Mr. Johnson [slang, either
gender] - someone that hires shadowrunners, usually on behalf
of corporations. They have a reputation in general of
not having the shadowrunners' best interests in mind.
The names they give are often pseudonyms. |
Mundane [vulgar slang] - "Non-magician
or non-magical." [FanPro
site] |
Neh? [slang] - You know? |
Null sheen [slang] - No
sweat, no problem. |
Nutrisoy [slang] - "Cheaply
processed food product, derived from soybeans." [FanPro
site] |
Omae [slang] - Buddy, friend,
homeboy, "man." |
Oyabun - The boss of a Yakuza
clan. |
Panzer [slang] - "Any ground-effect
combat vehicle." [FanPro
site] |
Paydata [slang] - "A datafile
worth money on the black market." [FanPro
site] |
Paydata [slang] - Information,
usually in the form of computer files and/or chips that are
especially valuable and/or the object of a mission. |
Playback [slang] - Refers to Better
Than Life chips. |
Plex [slang] - "A metropolitan
complex, or "metroplex"." [FanPro
site] |
Poli [slang] - "A policlub
or policlub member." [FanPro
site] |
Predator [slang] - Nickname for the Ares
Predator. |
- "Heavily cybered samurai or other muscle." [FanPro
site] |
Rigger [slang] - Pilots/drivers that have had a Vehicle
Control Rig implanted in them. Riggers can run rings around
normal folks and can accomplish astounding feats with a vehicle.
A Rigger also needs a Datajack to
connect to their vehicle. Read more above. |
Sammy [slang] - Abbreviated slang
for a Street Samurai. |
Samurai [Japanese, slang loanword]
- "Mercenary or muscle for hire. Implies honor code."
site] |
Sarariman [slang] - strangely
enough, it comes from "Salary Man", pronounced with a bad
Japanese accent. Yet, it has become parlance in the
Shadowrun universe and moved from funny to mundane and ubiquitous.
Basically another word for "wage slave." |
Scan this [slang] - similar
to "check this out" or "look here". |
Screamer [slang] - "Credstick
or other ID that triggers computer alarms if used." [FanPro
site] |
Seoul Man - "A member
of a Seoulpa ring." [FanPro
site] |
[slang] - the name of the game, literally. Generally,
you are "running" the shadows, doing or undoing dirty work
for various entities. Typically these activities are
quasi-legal at best. BTW, the game is produced by FanPro.
SIN [slang] - System Identification
Number. |
SINless [slang] - those people
of the Shadowrun universe without a System
Identification Number. Generally, the disenfranchised. |
Slot [vulgar slang] "Mild
curse word." [FanPro
site] |
Slot and Run - "Hurry
up. Get to the point. Move it." [FanPro
site] |
So ka [Japlish slang] "I
understand. I get it." [FanPro
site] |
Soldatos [slang] - The title
for a soldier in the Mafia. |
Soykaf - "Ersatz coffee substitute made from
soybeans." [FanPro
site] |
Sprawl [slang] - as a noun, a generic reference to
a (generally) large metroplex region (cf. Plex). Also used
in a negative sense to refer to uncontrolled spreading of
urban areas. "To fraternize below one's social level.
site] |
Suit [slang, often mildly vulgar] - refers to a legitimate
citizen, often corporate employees (cf. Sarariman,
Shaikujin). Often used in a derogatory
sense by the less fortunate or SINless. |
Talismonger [slang] - read the description
above. |
Thrill gang [slang] - they
are in a gang and do things for the thrill of it. Generally,
the more worrisome of the gang types as their motives and
thus actions were not so predictable. I personally like
to use the bunch from Clockwork Orange as an example. |
Trancers [slang] - Refers to Better
Than Life chips. |
Tribal [slang]- a member of
the Native American tribes of the Shadowrun world, e.g. Salish-Shidhe,
Cascade Crow, Makah, etc. They generally have a more
traditional Amerindian cultural
outlook, and tend to dress in distinctively Amerindian clothing.
Some tribes only allow Amerindians, some are more open. |
Trid [slang] - Short for "Trideo"; read
more above. |
Trog [vulgar slang] - a racial slur for Trolls.
Tusker [vulgar slang] - a racial
slur for Orks. |
Vatjob [slang] - Someone with
a lot of cyberware (cf. Wired). Usually,
heavy cyberware implantation requires inmmersion in a vat
of nutrient fluids, hence the term. |
Wagemage [slang] - A corporate
Magician. Often this is a Hermetic
Mage as Elementals are often
more effective for security and Mages generally need money
more than Shamans, to fund their materials,
research, and libraries. |
Wakagashira [slang] - an
Oyabun's second-in-command. |
Wetwork [slang] - a mission
in which the focus is to specifically kill one or more people,
such as an assassination. This does not simply mean that killing
might be part of the mission; rather, this is when killing
is the mission. |
Wired [slang] - Usually refers
to someone with cybernetically enhanced reflexes, but can
also generically refer to anyone with cyberware (cf. Vatjob). |
Wiz [slang] - a positive adjective,
cf. cool, great. |
Wizard [slang] - A magician,
usually a mage. |
Wizworm [slang] - A dragon.
Wizzer gang
[slang] - A gang run by and/or consisting mostly/exclusively
of Magicians. |
Yak/Yaks [slang]
- short forYakuza. |
Zombie chips [slang] -
Refers to Better Than Life
chips. |