Battle Report 4 - Tyranids vs. Ultramarines (Space Marines)
Composed by Michael J. Casavant (Hive Fleet Phage).
- Date - 12AUG2001
- Points - 1700
- Scenario - Recon
- Tyranid Army List - Hive Fleet Phage
- Ultramarines [played by Bill Green]
- Result - Bill conceded in Turn 3. Complete Victory for the
Tyranids. The Ultramarines were consumed!
We could not decide on a scenario we liked, so Bill opted for
a set 'em up and kill stuff battle. Bad news for my Infiltrators...
The Ultramarines started setting up first. We used the alternating
setup the scenario called for. I chose to go with long edges (instead
of corners).
Tyranids won the dice off for first move and I chose to go first.
Note: there are two Hive Tyrants on the board.
The marines that have faced Hive Fleet Phage have named the Hive
Tyrants that continue to plague them. The one that trudges forward
implacably with an escort of Tyrant Guard they call "Thunder."
The swift winged beast that races across the battlefield and shatters
men's bodies they have dubbed "Lightning." They have
also named the Carnifex engine of destruction, "Mjolnir".
Turn 1
The Tyranids advance! In their mad dash to advance through a
cluster of woods, one of the Tyrant Guard suffers a wound (this
was later discovered to be incorrect, see correction/clarification
#1). The Biovores score a hit with a Bio-Acid mine but fail
to kill anything (this was not resolved properly, see correction/clarification
#2). A second mine falls short and plops harmlessly on the
hill. Thunder and Mjolnir blast away at the centermost Dreadnought,
but only manage to shake it.
The Marines lay down fire on the bugs, hammering Thunder and
slaying a wounded Tyrant Guard of his. The Centermost unit of
Spinegaunts also take some fire.
Turn 2
Lightning streaks out from behind the cliffs and unleashes a
wave of psychic energy that washes over the Librarian's squad,
missing them completely. Their faith in the Emperor no doubt protecting
them. Thunder and Mjolnir unleash their Venom Cannons on the rear
dreadnought and blow the missile launcher off of it. The swarm
skitters forward, hungry for biomass. The centermost unit of Spinegaunts
rush forward and assault the Terminators, mindlessly sacrificing
themselves to protect Thunder. The Terminators grimly lay waste
to the bugs, praying quietly to the Emperor that they are ready
for the onslaught of the wave of Genestealers.
The Marine firepower laid down on Thunder is reduced as they
struggled to see past the Terminators locked in sword and claw
combat with the Spinegaunts. They still manage to slay the other
Tyrant Guard. Lightning is hit and wounded as well. A missile
arcs through the waves of gaunts and blasts into the leftmost
Genestealer brood, tearing a few apart in a spray of gore. The
Terminators fare poorly against the Spinegaunts, taking no wounds,
but also inflicting very few wounds as the bugs jump and skitter
out of the reach of the deadly powerfists. The forward dreadnought
advances. The Rippers are cut down by weapons fire, but the rest
of them mindlessly surge forward.
Turn 3
The leftmost unit of Spinegaunts and the Hormogaunts race forward
and fall on two units of Tactical Marines, with the aid of Lightning.
Marines begin to die in numbers, screaming in defiance. Thunder
and Mjolnir blast the forward dreadnought, shattering its missile
launcher and immobilizing it. One brood of Genestealers sweeps
in and assaults the Dreadnought, completely immobilizing the mighty
Thunder and Mjolnir advance towards the Terminators, finally
giving into their hunger for biomass, with a brood of Genestealers
at their flanks. The Rippers scamper forward, hungry.
[Bill conceded here]
[Remaining report deleted by the Inquisition]
Bill played a good game, but the dice were kind to me. I was
able to get some good Fleet of Claw rolls and my Spinegaunts delayed
the Terminators just enough. My poor Rippers. I need to figure
out how to use those guys some day...
Rules Questions & Clarifications
- Correction/clarification
#1 - Tyranids in Difficult Terrain - Only broods with eight
or more models are in danger from suffering a wound from trampling
of fellow Tyranids when two sixes are rolled in the Difficult
Terrain test. So Thunder's HQ unit
- Correction/clarification
#2 - Bio-Acid mines. When they detonate, a scatter die is rolled
and a "HIT" means the flamer template is pointed at
the nearest model.
- Correction/clarification
#3 - Assaulting a spore mine, is it even possible? This just
seems like a strange way to get a free extra move. I have sent
a query to the GW Roolzboyz.
- Correction/clarification
#4 - Psychic Hood and Warp Blast. We played as though Psychic
Hood worked even though normal Warp Blasts were used and they
require not test. In fact, the Codex Tyranids specifically says
that the Psychic Hood does not work on any Tyranid Psychic Power
that does not require a test.
- Correction/clarification
#5 - Hive Tyrant targeting a different unit than his guard.
I think it is very clear that he can, but Bill pointed out that
the rule as written talks about a Tyranid Monstrous Creature
"joining" a Tyrant Guard unit and the Hive Tyrant
starts with his Tyrant Guard. I expect the answer is that it
makes no difference and the Hive Tyrant can still shoot a different
unit. However, I have sent an e-mail to the GW Roolzboyz just
to make sure.