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Gamer DirectoriesHere are some directories.
Event DirectoriesHow To Find Local GamersWell, this is always the challenge isn't it? Here are some suggesions. Local game stores are an easy and obvious locus of gaming activity. If you are really lucky, they even have some space to spare. At the very least, they are a good place to start looking. Talk to the staff. Talk to the manager. Check their bulletin board, if they have one, and if they have no bulletin board, suggest they put one up. If you are feeling coordinatey, post a note or flyer so folks can contact you. Local colleges & universities are another great location for gaming activity. If you don't know anyone there, I would check out the student organizations page, drop by their recreation center and see if there is any info on gaming. Unfortunately, the level of organization can run the gamut from nothing to a well-oiled gaming machine. If you are feeling coordinatey, post a note or flyer so folks can contact you (be sure to post where you are allowed to, lest your note be mercilessly trashed. The magical interwebs are hit or miss, but can be handy. In many cases, information about gaming clubs is spotty at best and outdated and misleading at worst. But hey, do you want to game or not? Get your butt out there and get busy clicking! Some things you might try:
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