- Animals
- Horse, heavy war
- Bit and bridle
- Horseshoes and shoeing
- Saddle bags, large
- Dry rations (1 week)
- Rations,standard (1 week)
- Saddle blanket
- Saddle, riding
- Horse, riding
- Bit and bridle
- Horseshoes and shoeing
- Saddle bags, large
- Saddle bags, large
- Saddle blanket
- Saddle, pack
- Items Carried
- Axe +2, throwing
- Backpack
- Oil, lamp (per flask)
- Soap
- Torch x2
- Chime of Opening
- Full armor, field plate
- Periapt of Wound Closure
- Potion of Healing
- Potion of Heroism
- Potion of Polymorph Self
- Potion of Rainbow Hues
- Potion of Speed
- Potion of Vitality
- Scroll of Protection from Dragon Breath
- Scroll of Protection from Lycanthropes
- Sword, bastard
- Sword, bastard (two-handed)
- Sword, bastard +2 Dragon Slayer, red
- Sword, bastard +2 Dragon Slayer, red (2H)
- Wrestling - Proficient
- Items Stored
- Beads of Force (8)
- Full armor, field plate
- Full armor, leather
- Long bow +1
- Ring of Spell Turning
- Items Worn
- Baladrana
- Belt
- Belt pouch, large
- Belt pouch, large
- Alexandrite (100 gp) x2
- Amber (10 gp) x5
- Amethyst (10 gp) x4
- Bloodstone (30 gp) x2
- Bloodstone (40 gp) x2
- Diamond (100 gp) x4
- Garnet (500 gp)
- Ruby (50 gp) x3
- Smoky Quartz (50 gp) x4
- Boots, riding
- Drawers
- Full armor, plate mail
- Gamash
- Gauntlets of Swimming and Climbing
- Hose
- Knife sheath
- Knife sheath
- Necklace of Missiles
- Globe (3d6 Fireball) x4
- Globe (6d6 Fireball)
- Ring of Protection +1
- Scabbard, hanger, baldric
- Scabbard, hanger, baldric
- Shield, medium
- Shirt
- Vest
- Spending Money
- * Gold Pieces x64
- * Platinum Pieces x10
- * Silver Pieces x34