Jack Harmon (player
Lars Ericson)
Nationality: United States of America
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hometown: Kasota, Minnesota, USA
Investigative Report for the Dallas Morning News
Age: 40
Physical Description: Average height
and weight with lean, slightly gaunt face. Think Willem Dafoe. He was definitely
in good shape and athletic in his younger days, but the professional lifestyle
has made him a bit soft. Jack is usually dress in casual clothes
and has thrown all thoughts of quitting smoking since joining The Society.
Creed: Jack believes that if you
work hard and honestly you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.
He is an independent, willful person who dislikes people who skirt responsibility
with loopholes or laziness.
Motto: (Not sure, I'll think of
Why he joined The Society: Jack
joined because of his driving sense of curiosity about the unknown, about
human nature, and about the world we live in. [Jack's recruitment
followed an encounter with a group of zombie soldiers created by a big,
bad, enigmatic evil guy. He encountered them as part of an American
patrol during Desert Storm. Fortunately, the entity controlling the
zombies was oblivious to his patrol's existence. This encounter prompted
the manifestation of his latent "Art" ability, Mental Shield.]
Jack Harmon was born Jonathan Fitzgerald Harmon on May 30th, 1951. His
parents, Rita and Hank Harmon, owned a small diary farm in Kasota, a small
town in southern Minnesota near Mankato. The farm was not luxurious or
extraordinarily successful, but it provided an honest way of life. Jack
was the second of three children, David (now 46) and Mary (now 38).
Jack’s childhood was typical of country life. His family was always
close and growing up on a farm only strengthened those bonds. David and
Jack learned quickly to help their father on the farm, while Mary spent
days cleaning and cooking. Not the most politically correct, but definitely
standard. David developed an arrogant and superior attitude due to Jack’s
father’s constant praise. While Dad and David would go hunting and fishing,
Jack became good friends with his younger sister. In his early days, Jack
never excelled at any one hobby or task. In fact, many hours were spent
with Mary exploring the woods near their house and the “forbidden/mysterious”
parts of a dairy farm.
In high school, Jack discovered the world of political and social intrigue.
Although most of the stories and “scandals” would be considered stupid
or exaggerated in retrospect, they were exciting and mysterious to young
Jack Harmon. His curiosity inspired him to go to great lengths for that
crucial piece of information or extra detail that makes the math teacher,
Mr. Francis’, secret toupee that much more shocking. His journalistic tendencies
made for an interesting and somewhat distracting four years.
After high school, Jack had dreams of going on to the Minneapolis Star,
but his average grades and family responsibilities kept him tied to Kasota.
For two years, Jack worked as a farm hand dreaming of the adventures and
scandals he could have been discovering. Soon after his 20th birthday,
his father died of a heart attack while working on the farm.
The family tragedy provided the reality shock, which Jack had needed
to start the next chapter in his life. David took over the farm and Jack
quickly realized he would not be able to continuing living and working
there with David’s critical eye always over his shoulder and shadows of
his father around every corner. Jack’s best friend from high school, Ken
O’Bannion, had decided to join the army to get away from the rural life,
and so Jack decided to go as well.
The Army proved to be exactly what Jack needed. It provided a focus
and purpose to his life and also a personal discipline, which he had never
truly encountered. Although, basic training was relatively easy for Jack
due to his rural lifestyle, he jumped at an opportunity to join the Press
Corp. The Press Corp was the journalism branch of the army, reporting about
military activities to domestic media as well as handling the army-air
force Stars & Stripes newspaper.
The army held tremendous promise for Jack. This was his chance to do
some real investigative journalism. Unfortunately, the military way of
life proved to be very administrative. Jack wanted to be out in the field,
dodging bullets and reporting something that people didn’t know and really
wanted to. For six years, Jack patiently waited for his opportunity for
action. For the first two, Ken O’Bannion had been assigned to Fort Monmouth
with him, so the time was not a complete loss. Once Ken left, however,
the bureaucracy and self-importance of the military tired him out.
Finally, something exciting and newsworthy came along, the invasion
of Grenada on October 25th, 1983. This was his chance to be in the thick
of things: dodging bullets, uncovering the inner workings of an army in
action. This was why Jack had joined the Army. Jack used up his favors
with officers and enlisted men so that he would be in the second invasion
force (the first being reserved for fast recon and special forces units).
In Grenada, Jack was exposed to the tremendous lack of coordination
and overall confusion that has come to be associated with Operation: Urgent
Fury. His superiors did not allow him to report what he saw and experience,
but rather edited his stories down to nothing but clipped descriptions
of American efficiency. Jack didn’t like that one bit. He was there to
provide some comfort to these soldier’s families and loved ones while providing
insight to those not directly involved in the operation. He would have
understood and even initiated censorship to insure the security of the
army’s operations, but that was not the case here.
Upon returning to the States, Jack finished out his term and then left
the armed forces in August of 1984. This time, he had direction and motivation
in his journalism, but didn’t know what to do with it. He learned that
his old high school buddy, Ken O’Bannion, had been injured in Grenada and
had moved to Dallas to pursue a career in law enforcement. That was enough
justification for Jack, he packed his duffel bag of clothes and his camera
and headed to Dallas.
Several years passed in Dallas before Jack got his big break. He was
working for next to nothing for an alternative metro newspaper in Dallas,
The Dallas Eye, while making a living working odd jobs in construction
and photography. Finally, in the summer of 1987, Jack found himself at
the scene of a sewer accident. He was able to document the dangerous entrapment
of several workers underground and the daring rescue by nearby construction
workers. His personal honesty and total involvement caught the eye of the
head of the Dallas Morning News metro section, Ira Newborn. The next week,
Jack was working as an investigative reporter.
Jack was teamed up with Sara Stevens, a skilled veteran writer and journalist
for the Dallas Morning News. Jack did not have the writing talent that
Stevens did, but he did have a nose for seeking out the truth and a keen
eye and memory for all the little details that make a story captivating.
Together, they produced some of the best metro news reporting that the
Dallas Morning News had seen in awhile. Stevens, already well-known by
the public and the journalistic community, got almost all of the praise,
but Jack was not bothered because he was a reporter, an honest-to-god reporter.
Jack spent three years hunting down political scandals and such. He
developed an understanding of how Dallas worked as well as who to go to
for information. One such informant, who proved to be invaluable in several
investigations, was Joe Rogers. Joe Rogers was, and still is, the front
desk security guard at city hall. Most people don’t notice Joe as they
come and go from the large commanding building. Jack has developed a friendly
rapport with Joe and has helped him out several times in exchange for information
about the day’s activities or about an upcoming press conference. Joe Rogers,
coupled with his old friend, Officer Ken O’Bannion, have given Jack a solid
tap into the lifeline of Dallas.
It was during this time that, secure in a promising future, Jack joined
the National Guard. Although he had left the army disappointed, the self-confidence
and pride that came with being in the armed forces still appealed to him.
It was this continued commitment to his country that would inevitably change
his life.
On August 22, 1990, President Bush called upon armed forces reserves
to supplement Operation: Desert Shield. Jack felt that it was his duty
to become involved, to report on the first major US military action since
the Vietnam War. The Dallas Morning News gave him their blessings, and
off he was. Luck was on his side, for he was able to be attached to one
of the frontline infantry units as an attached Army Press Corp correspondent.
Most of his time on the frontline was a giant waiting game, but Jack
could sense the resolve in the officers he encountered and knew firing
was inevitable. On January 16th 1991, the allied air campaign began. The
unit he was attached to waited, hoping that they would not be needed, but
ready to carry out orders without hesitation. On the 23rd of February,
the ground campaign began. Jack was attached to an infantry platoon that
was ordered to clear out Iraqi infantry trenches along the northern portion
of the conflict zone. Little resistance was expected, but away from the
chain of command confusion and desperation have a strange way of capturing
men’s souls and the unknown can easily be hiding under the guise of war.
The platoon had been transported via APC to the northern trenches and
marched the remaining two miles, using the terrain to protect them from
fire. The platoon was spread out with individual squads covering each other.
Jack was with the command squad. The command squad approached up the center,
while a squad approached up each flank. No signs of activity were heard
or seen as they swept down, parallel to the trench, but as they approached
the command bunker, a wicked sight was exposed. The lead squad was ambushed
by what appeared to be Iraqi soldiers in bedraggled condition. Jack, instinctively,
sent out his prayers to everyone around him and immediately, when his squad
arrived, they saw the enemy soldiers for what they really were: Zombies.
The command squad was still not seeing through the illusion, but when Jack's
squad opened up on the zombies to protect their buddies, the whole unit
joined the firefight. While the fighting was occurring, Jack’s eyes were
drawn to an overlooking sand dune. There stood a Bedouin, wrapped in a
large dull black robe. A strong breeze kicked up, blowing back the veil
to reveal a hideous skull were the man’s face should have been. A glowing
red fire stabbed out from it’s gapping sockets and its jaw seemed to moving
in some mock chant that only it could hear. The skeletal figure paused
and then walked behind the dune, disappearing. When Jack’s senses returned
the fight was over and all of the Iraqi soldiers were lying dead, only
instead of normal corpses, they appeared rotted and plagued by some cankerous
disease. No American soldiers were killed, although two were badly injured.
The rest of the trench was cleared and the platoon returned back to the
headquarters with a muted nervousness rippling through the troopers. No
one said a single word all the way back to the base.
Upon returning to the base, Jack urged the platoon lieutenant, Lt. Trent
Locker, to relay the strange encounter to his superiors and to request
additional reconnaissance and perhaps helicopter support, but Lt. Locker
could not explain what he saw. “In the confusion of war, the human mind
is a twisted little demon, Harmon. All one can do is carry out his or her
orders and report what happened. It’s not my place to analyze whatever
the hell happened out there,” replied Lt. Locker. Jack was not satisfied
and attempted to submit an honest (in his mind) story about the encounter,
but according to the Army Press Corp, Jack’s role was to provide moral
support for the folks back home, not cause trouble. After several frustrating
meetings with various persons on the base, Jack was approached by Lt. Kowalski.
Kowalski brought Jack to a backroom meeting with a block of a human in
civilian attire, who introduced himself as John. Kowalski and John inquired
about the incident and yet again Jack relayed his story, but this time
they listened … and believed him. He was sent out of the meeting with a
strange feeling, like he hadn’t heard the last of this.
Jack returned back to Dallas after the Gulf War was brought to a swift
conclusion. The Dallas Morning News was eager to have him start work again
(the temporary replacement had been incredibly incompetent). Within a couple
weeks of his return he was back in his groove, chatting with Joe Rogers
over a donut and coffee about private meetings between the mayor and local
construction companies; and accompanying Ken on his midnight beats.
Two weeks after returning to Dallas, on April 24th, 1991; Jack was approached
by Walter Smith. Smith claimed to be aware of Jack’s brush with the unknown
and brought him to a non-descript building in Plano, a suburb outside of
Dallas. Smith brought Jack to meet a man in a suit who called himself Mr.
Jones. Mr. Jones appeared conservative and self-confident, but hinted at
a strong athletic prowess. Jones told Jack about The Society and about
its fight against the evil powers that are slowly infiltrating our world.
Jack was immediately interested and resolved to become involved, both to
satiate his curiosity and to play a part in fighting those things he saw
on the dunes of Iraq. Jones seemed ready for Jack’s request to become involved
and told him that in due time he would be called upon to aid The Society.
Jack left the Plano safehouse eager to become an agent. A year passed
as Jack waited for the call. His work barely placated his curiosity and
journalistic tendencies. Finally in April of 1992, he received the call
requesting his presence at the safehouse. It was time… |