3000 Pts - Tyranids Army Hive Fleet Phage - MCGWL

Unit Name ## WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Save Cost
Thunder (MHive) 1 5 4 6 6 4 4 3/4 10 3+ 253
Tyranid Monstrous Creature; Enhanced Senses; Toxin Sacs; Scything Talons (x1); Venom Cannon
  #Synapse Creature Any brood with a model within 12" never fall back and auto-pass Morale, Fall Back, Pinning and Regroup tests, even if below half strength; Instead of shooting, can cause all spore mines within 24" to detonate. [0]
  #The Horror Any model assaulting the creature must pass a Morale test or may not assault that turn. [0]
  Catalyst Requires a Psychic test; Models of one Tyranid unit within 18" can strike back in close combat, even if they're killed; Lasts one Assault Phase. [10]
  Psychic Scream All enemy units with a model within 12" get -1 to all Ld tests (cumulative); Enemy psykers suffer Perils of the Warp if they fail any psychic test they make. [15]
  Tyrant Guard 2 5 3 5 6 2 5 2 10 3+ [90]
Lictors (Elites) 1 6 - 6 4 3 6 3 10 5+ 80
Deploy as separate & independent models; Secret Deployment; Stealth; Cannot capture table quarters, count as surviving Meat Grinder troops, etc; Rending Claws; Scything Talons; Flesh Hooks
Gargoyle Brood (Fast Attack) 8 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 10 6+ 80
Deep Strike if allowed; Wings: Move 12", advance and fall back 3D6"; May not enter difficult or impassible terrain; Fleet of Wing: Move D6", ignoring difficult terrain, instead of shooting; Fleshborer; Bio-Plasma Attack
Genestealers (Troops) 9 6 - 4 4 1 6 2 10 6+ 144
Infiltrate if allowed; Use normal rules if outside Synapse Creature range; Rending Claws
Lysogaunts (MGaun) 24 3 3 4 3 1 5 1/2 5* 6+ 298
Fleet of Claw; Adrenal Glands (In); Leaping; Assault 12"; Advance and fall back 3D6"; Count all attacks if within 2" of an enemy model; Toxin Sacs; Scything Talons; Hive Node (x1)
Spinegaunts (MGaun) 32 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5* 6+ 170
Fleet of Claw; Spinefist; Hive Node (x1)
Spinegaunts (MGaun) 32 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5* 6+ 170
Fleet of Claw; Spinefist; Hive Node (x1)
Hormagaunt Brood (Troops) 24 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 5* 6+ 250
Assault 12"; Advance and fall back 3D6"; Count all attacks if within 2" of an enemy model; Fleet of Claw; Scything Talons; Hive Node (x1)
Mjolnir (Carni) 1 4 3 10 6 4 2 2/3 10 2+ 153
Tyranid Monstrous Creature; Scything Talons (x1); Venom Cannon; Extended Carapace
Option Footnotes:
  Bio-Plasma Attack Make extra CC attack at double initiative value, even from within 2"; Hits on 4+ at S(C+1).
  Extended Carapace +1 Save bonus.
  Flesh Hooks Fight simultaneously with troops in cover; Treat vertically impassible terrain as Difficult Ground.
  Fleshborer 12"R, S(C+1), AP-, Assault X.
  Hive Node The brood has Leadership 10 as long as the mutant is alive.
  Rending Claws Auto-wounds and no armour saves on 'to hit' roll of 6; Roll an extra dice if you roll a 6 for AP.
  Scything Talons +1 attacks in close combat.
  Spinefist 12"R, S(C), AP5, Assault X.
  Venom Cannon 36"R, S(C+2), AP4, Assault X; Only glances against vehicles.
Total Army Cost: 1598 Pts.
On tyranid weapon statistics, 'C' means the creatures strength (weapon strength has a maximum of 10) and 'X' means the number of attacks the creature has.

Models in Army: 134

Validation Results:
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
Troop Type Count Unused Points Unused Percent
HQ (>=1unit <=2unit) 1 1 253 2747 8%
Elite (<=3unit) 1 2 80 2920 2%
Troops (>=2unit <=6unit) 5 1 1032 1968 34%
Fst. Atck. (<=3unit) 1 2 80 2920 2%
Hvy. Supp. (<=3unit) 1 2 153 2847 5%
Other (N/A) 0 n/a 0 3000 0%
Equipment Summary 4 n/a 35 n/a 1%

Roster created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Lone Wolf Development, Inc.