Black Templars Army 3/27/03 Attacker

Unit Name ## WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Save Cost
Sir John Upton (EmpCh) 1 5 4 4 4 2 5 2* 9 2+/4(I)+ 105
Bolt Pistol is Master-Crafted; Can Challenge enemy characters; Bolt Pistol
  #Purity Seals If the model (and unit he is with) falls back, roll an extra D6 and pick the best 2 (for your own definition of 'best'). [0]
  #Iron Halo 4+ invulnerable save. [0]
  #Master Crafted Weapon Allows one failed to hit roll to be re-rolled per turn. Choose which weapon is master-crafted before the battle. [0]
  #Black Sword The Black Sword can either be used as a Power Weapon (no armour save) giving +1S (and +1A when used with a Pistol) or double-handed as a Power Fist (double strength, always go last, no armour save). [0]
  #Artificer Armour 2+ armour save. [0]
  #Terminator Honours +1 Attacks. [0]
Lazarus Squad (Black) 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 3+ 214
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.; Bolt Pistol & Power Fist (x1); Flamer (x1)
  Rhino APC 1 BS: 4 Front: 11 Side: 11 Rear: 10 [58]
Carries up to 10 Space Marines; Tank; If immobilised, can attempt to repair instead of shooting - this succeeds on the roll of a 6; Storm Bolter
    Dozer Blade Re-roll failed terrain test if move < 6". [5]
    Smoke Launchers Use instead of shooting- for one turn, penetrating hits count as glancing blows. [3]
St Elmo Squad (Black) 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 3+ 218
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.; Bolt Pistol & Power Fist (x1); Meltagun (x1)
  Rhino APC 1 BS: 4 Front: 11 Side: 11 Rear: 10 [58]
Carries up to 10 Space Marines; Tank; If immobilised, can attempt to repair instead of shooting - this succeeds on the roll of a 6; Storm Bolter
    Dozer Blade Re-roll failed terrain test if move < 6". [5]
    Smoke Launchers Use instead of shooting- for one turn, penetrating hits count as glancing blows. [3]
Sanglea Squad (Black) 10 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 3+ 226
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.; Bolt Pistol & Power Fist (x1); Plasma Gun (x1)
  Neophytes 5 3 3 4 4 1 4 1/2* 7 4+ [55]
Bolt Pistol & CCWep. (x5)
Fire Support/4 (Black) 6 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 106
Bolter; Missile Launcher (x1); Flamer (x1)
Fire Support/5 (Black) 6 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 115
Bolter; Lascannon (x1); Meltagun (x1)
Fire Support/6 (Black) 6 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 111
Bolter; Plasma Cannon (x1); Flamer (x1)
SIr John Upton (Dread) 1 WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 6/10 I: 4 A: 2 135
Front Armour: 12; Side Armour: 12; Rear Armour: 10; Walker; Dread. CC Weapon; Heavy Flamer; Twin Lascannon
Brogalia's Squad (TermA) 4 4 4 4/8* 4 1 4 2* 9 2+/5(I)+ 210
Deep Strike if allowed; 2 Lightning Claws (x1); Thunder Hm. & Storm Sh. (x1); Power F. & Storm B. (x2)
  Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+/5(I)+ [42]
Power Weapon; Storm Bolter
    #Terminator Armour 2+ armour save. May not make Sweeping Advances. Deep Strike if allowed. [0]
    #Purity Seals If the model (and unit he is with) falls back, roll an extra D6 and pick the best 2 (for your own definition of 'best'). [0]
Land Speeder (Fast Attack) 1 BS: 4 Front: 10 Side: 10 Rear: 10 50
Fast; Skimmer; Heavy Bolter (x1)
Land Raider 'Crusader' (Heavy Support) 1 BS: 4 Front: 14 Side: 14 Rear: 14 255
Frag Assault Launchers; Transports 15 Space Marines or 8 Terminators; May always fire one extra weapon at BS2, at a seperate target if it wishes; If the crew are stunned, it may move directly forward up to it's maximum move; 2 'Hurricane' Bolters; Linked Assault Cannon; Multi-Melta
  #Extra Armour Count 'Crew Stunned' results as 'Crew Shaken'. [0]
Whirlwind Battery (Heavy Support) 1 BS: 4 Front: 11 Side: 11 Rear: 10 75
Tank; Multirocket Launcher
Option Footnotes:
  2 'Hurricane' Bolters Each 'Hurricane' bolter has 3 shots with the following profile: 24"R, S4, AP5, Rapid Fire, Linked. They may always be fired, no matter how far the Crusader moves.
  Bolt Pistol 12"R, S4, AP5, Pistol.
  Bolter 24"R, S4, AP5, Rapid Fire.
  CC Weapon +1A if used with another CCW / pistol.
  Dread. CC Weapon No armour save. If destroyed, use S before the /.
  Flamer Template, S4, AP5, Assault 1.
  Heavy Bolter 36"R, S5, AP4, Heavy 3.
  Heavy Flamer Template, S5, AP4, Assault 1.
  Lascannon 48"R, S9, AP2, Heavy 1.
  Lightning Claw(s) No armour save; re-roll failed "to wound" rolls. Lightning Claws do not give bonus attacks for 2 weapons unless 2 Claws are used together.
  Linked Assault Cannon 24"R, S6, AP4, Heavy 3, Linked.
  Meltagun 12"R, S8, AP1, +D6 AP at 6".
  Missile Launcher 48" R- (S8, AP3, Heavy 1) OR (S4, AP6, Heavy 1, Blast).
  Multi-Melta 24"R, S8, AP1, Heavy 1, +D6 AP at 12".
  Multirocket Launcher G48"R, S5, AP4, Ord. 1 Blast.
  Plasma Cannon 36"R, S7, AP2, Heavy 1 Blast. Overheats- if you roll a '1' to hit, make a save or take a wound.
  Plasma Gun 24"R, S7, AP2, Rapid Fire. Overheats- if you roll a '1' to hit, make a save or take a wound.
  Power Fist Always go last. No armour save. Doubles strength.
  Power Weapon No armour save in close combat.
  Storm Bolter 24"R, S4, AP5, Assault 2.
  Storm Shield 4+ invulnerable save against hand-to-hand attacks.
  Thunder Hammer Doubles Strength, no armour save, always goes last. Models wounded may not attack again until the end of the next Assault phase. Vehicles hit suffer "Crew Shaken" in addition to other damage.
  Twin Lascannon 48"R, S9, AP2, Heavy 1, Linked.
Total Army Cost: 1820 Pts.
Must take a Vow before the battle.
If Deep Strike is allowed, the army may deploy in Drop Pods.
And They Shall Know No Fear rules apply to all Space Marines.

Models in Army: 63

Validation Results:
Composition group 'HQ' does not satisfy requirements (>=1unit <=2unit).

Troop Type Count Unused Points Unused Percent
HQ (>=1unit <=2unit) 0 2 105 n/a 5%
Elite (<=3unit) 2 1 345 n/a 18%
Troops (>=2unit <=6unit) 6 0 990 n/a 54%
Fst. Atck. (<=3unit) 1 2 50 n/a 2%
Hvy. Supp. (<=3unit) 2 1 330 n/a 18%
Other (N/A) 0 n/a 0 n/a 0%
Equipment Summary 13 n/a 21 n/a 1%

Roster created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Lone Wolf Development, Inc.