1500 Pts - Swordwind Army No Name

Unit Name ## WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Save Cost
Avatar of Khaine (HQ) 1 10 - 6 6 4 5 3 10 5(I)+ 80
Fearless; Inspiring; Independent Character; Monstrous Creature; Daemon; Wailing Doom
Andaren (FarSr) 1 5 5 3 4 3 5 1/2 10 4(I)+ 76
Independent Character; Psyker; Shuriken Pistol (x1); Witchblade (x1)
  Fortune At the start of the Eldar turn, nominate one Eldar unit within 6". This unit may re-roll armour saves or cover saves until the start of the next Eldar turn. [20]
Shadow (Rangr) 3 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 5+ 57
Infiltrate if allowed; Roll an extra dice in difficult terrain; Cameleoline cloaks; Shuriken Pistol; Ranger Long Rifle
Cinder (Storm) 10 3 3 3 3 1 4 1/2* 8 5+ 128
Shuriken Pistol & CCW (x8); Flamer (x2)
  Endal (Warlk) 1 4 4 3 3 1 4 1/2 8 4(I)+ [42]
Shuriken Pistol (x1); Witchblade (x1)
    Enhance The Warlock's squad gain +1WS and +1I (Not shown on profile). [15]
Durothan (DireA) 9 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+ 152
Shuriken Catapult
  Exarch 1 5 5 3 3 1 6 2/3 9 3+ [44]
Shur. Pistol & Power Wep.
    Distract One model in contact with the Exarch loses 1 attack. [8]
Ethanil (Strik) 8 4 4 4 3 1 5 1/2 9 3+ 306
Mandiblasters; Shuriken Pistol & CCW
  Exarch 1 5 5 4/5 3 1 6 2/3 9 3+ [43]
Biting Blade; Mandiblasters; Shuriken Pistol
    Crushing Blow +1 Strength (included on profile). [10]
  Wave Serpent 1 BS: 3 Front: 12 Side: 12 Rear: 10 [135]
Skimmer; Tank; Fast; Energy Field; Carries 10 models, or 5 Wraithguard and a Warlock; Cannot carry Avatars, Wraithlords or Anti-Grav Platforms; Linked Shuriken Catapults; Linked Star Cannon
    Spirit Stone 'Crew Shaken' results ignored on a 4+. 'Crew Stunned' results changed to 'Crew Shaken' on a 4-5, and ignored on a 6. [10]
Dark Reapers (Troops) 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+ 185
Reaper Launcher
Sarothan (Swoop) 7 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+ 215
Grenade Pack; Swooping Hawk Wings; Lasblaster; Plasma Grenades
  Exarch 1 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+ [68]
Grenade Pack; Swooping Hawk Wings; Hawk's Talon; Plasma Grenades
    Sustained Assault For each hit the Exarch makes in CC, roll to hit again. If he hits with this, roll to hit again. Etc. Keep rolling to hit until the Exarch misses. [20]
Blackwind (Falcn) 1 BS: 3 Front: 12 Side: 12 Rear: 10 180
Skimmer; Tank; Fast; Carries 6 models (not Avatars, Wraithlords, Wraithguard, or squads with an Antigrav platform); Linked Shuriken Catapults; Scatter Laser; Pulse Laser
  Spirit Stone 'Crew Shaken' results ignored on a 4+. 'Crew Stunned' results changed to 'Crew Shaken' on a 4-5, and ignored on a 6. [10]
  Holo-Field If vehicle is hit, roll twice on the Damage table and choose the lowest dice. [25]
Anaris (WrLrd) 1 4 4 5/10 8 3 4 2/3 10 3+ 120
Implacable Advance; Fearless; Flamer (x2); Star Cannon
Option Footnotes:
  Biting Blade If an enemy with more than 1 wound is wounded, continue rolling to wound until you fail to do so.
  CC Weapon +1A if used with another CCW / pistol.
  Flamer Template, S4, AP5, Assault 1.
  Grenade Pack On the turn when the unit Deep Strikes in, place the Ordnance marker anywhere on the table before the unit arrives and scatter it D6"; it is S4, AP5, Large Blast.
  Hawk's Talon 24"R, S4, AP6, Assault 3.
  Lasblaster 24"R, S3, AP6, Assault 2.
  Linked Shuriken Catapults 12"R, S4, AP5, Assault 2, Linked.
  Linked Star Cannon 36"R, S6, AP2, Heavy 3, Linked.
  Mandiblasters Mandiblasters can be used in close combat if their wearer is within 2" of an enemy. They strike at +2 Initiative, inflicting an S4 hit on a roll of 4+.
  Plasma Grenades Negates effects of cover in combat.
  Power Weapon No armour save in close combat.
  Pulse Laser 48"R, S8, AP2, Heavy D3.
  Ranger Long Rifle 36"R, Hits on 2+, Wounds on 4+, AP6, Heavy 1. If a '6' is rolled to hit, the shot has AP1.
  Reaper Launcher 48"R, S5, AP3, Heavy 2.
  Scatter Laser 36"R, S6, AP6, Heavy D6.
  Shuriken Catapult 12"R, S4, AP5, Assault 2.
  Shuriken Pistol 12"R, S4, AP5, Pistol.
  Star Cannon 36"R, S6, AP2, Heavy 3.
  Swooping Hawk Wings Move 12", ignoring terrain. Deep Strike, even if not allowed. If model enters difficult terrain, roll a D6- on a 1 it crashes and is removed. Flee & pursue 3d6".
  Wailing Doom No armour save in close combat.
  Witchblade Wounds on 2+. 3 * St + D6 AP.
Total Army Cost: 1499 Pts.
All units with a save of 4+ or worse are Fleet of Foot.

Models in Army: 51

Validation Results:
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
Troop Type Count Unused Points Unused Percent
HQ (>=1unit <=2unit) 2 0 198 1302 13%
Elite (<=3unit) 2 1 143 1357 9%
Troops (>=2unit <=6unit) 3 3 643 857 42%
Fst. Atck. (<=3unit) 1 2 215 1285 14%
Hvy. Supp. (<=3unit) 2 1 300 1200 20%
Other (N/A) 0 n/a 0 1500 0%
Equipment Summary 8 n/a 118 n/a 7%

Roster created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Lone Wolf Development, Inc.