1700 Pts - Chaos: Emperor's Children Army No Name

Unit Name ## WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Save Cost
Daemon Prince 1 6 3 5+2 4 3 5 4 10 5(I)+ 140
Independent Character; Fearless; Monstrous Creature; Mark of Slaanesh
  Lashing Tongue Deduct 1 attack (minimum 1) from one model in base contact. Use in the Assault phase. [10]
  Poison-Barbed Tail The Daemon Prince has an extra attack every round. If a model suffers an unsaved wound from this attack, it is killed outright. [20]
  Daemonic Weapon +2 Strength in close combat. [30]
Fleshcaster Rholgath (soceror) 1 5 5 4 4 1 5 3/4 9 2+ 120
Independent Character; Power Weapon (x1); Sorcerer's Staff (x1); Mark of Slaanesh
  Chaos Armour 2+ armour save. [20]
  Fleshy Curse Psychic Power (use instead of attacking in Assault). Choose an enemy model within 2" and roll a D6- if you roll > his T or a 6, he dies (no armour or cover saves allowed). They also turn into a Chaos Spawn, but counts as being killed for VP purposes. [20]
    Chaos Spawn 0 3 - 3 5 2 3 D6 6 5+ [0]
May attack in the assault phase it appears
  Jump Pack 12" move, ignoring difficult terrain. Flee and pursue 3d6". If the model finishes a move in terrain, roll a D6- on a 1 it is removed as a casualty. Deep Strike if allowed. [20]
Possessed Marines 10 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+ 300
Fearless; Possessed: 3 rolls on Possession table at the start of the game; Bolter (x10)
Noise Marines 5 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+ 335
Fearless; Sonic Blaster (x2); Doom Siren (x3)
  Aspiring Champion 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 3/4 10 3+ [70]
2 Lightning Claws; Mark of Slaanesh
    Doom Siren May be used instead of shooting with another weapon. Template, S(D6+4), AP6, Assault 1. [0]
    Spiky Bits Re-roll up to one missed hand-to-hand attack per turn. [5]
  Chaos Rhino APC 1 BS: 4 Front: 11 Side: 11 Rear: 10 [100]
Carries up to 10 Chaos Space Marines, but no Terminators; If immobilised, can attempt to repair instead of shooting - this succeeds on the roll of a 6; Combi-Bolter
    Warp Amp All enemies have their Ld reduced by 1 within 18", 2 within 12", 3 within 6", with respect to Morale tests. [20]
    'Dozer Blade Re-roll dangerous terrain tests. [5]
    Havoc Missile Launcher 48" R, S4, AP6, Heavy 2, Blast. If a 1 is rolled to hit, the Havoc launcher explodes and cannot be used again. [25]
Noise Marines 5 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+ 335
Fearless; Sonic Blaster (x2); Doom Siren (x3)
  Aspiring Champion 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 3/4 10 3+ [70]
2 Lightning Claws; Mark of Slaanesh
    Doom Siren May be used instead of shooting with another weapon. Template, S(D6+4), AP6, Assault 1. [0]
    Spiky Bits Re-roll up to one missed hand-to-hand attack per turn. [5]
  Chaos Rhino APC 1 BS: 4 Front: 11 Side: 11 Rear: 10 [100]
Carries up to 10 Chaos Space Marines, but no Terminators; If immobilised, can attempt to repair instead of shooting - this succeeds on the roll of a 6; Combi-Bolter
    Warp Amp All enemies have their Ld reduced by 1 within 18", 2 within 12", 3 within 6", with respect to Morale tests. [20]
    'Dozer Blade Re-roll dangerous terrain tests. [5]
    Havoc Missile Launcher 48" R, S4, AP6, Heavy 2, Blast. If a 1 is rolled to hit, the Havoc launcher explodes and cannot be used again. [25]
Daemonettes of Slaanesh 6 4 - 4 4 1 4 3 10 5(I)+ 90
Must be summoned to the battlefield; Slaaneshi; +1 to Summoning rolls if any enemy models failed a Morale check this turn.
Daemonettes of Slaanesh 6 4 - 4 4 1 4 3 10 5(I)+ 90
Must be summoned to the battlefield; Slaaneshi; +1 to Summoning rolls if any enemy models failed a Morale check this turn.
Dreadnought 1 WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 6/10 I: 4 A: 2/3 138
Front Armour: 12; Side Armour: 12; Rear Armour: 10; Roll a D6 before shooting, 1 or 6 causes incompetence (see army list); Dreadnought CC Weapon; +1 attack, doubles strength, no armour save in close combat.; Linked Sonic Blasters; Linked Autocannon
  Warp Amp All enemies have their Ld reduced by 1 within 18", 2 within 12", 3 within 6", with respect to Morale tests. [20]
Predator 1 BS: 4 Front: 13 Side: 11 Rear: 10 150
2 Sponson Lascannon; Turret Autocannon
  'Dozer Blade Re-roll dangerous terrain tests. [5]
  Warp Amp All enemies have their Ld reduced by 1 within 18", 2 within 12", 3 within 6", with respect to Morale tests. [20]
Option Footnotes:
  2 Sponson Lascannon 2 sponsons: 48" R, S9, AP2, Heavy 1.
  Autocannon 48" R, S7, AP4, Heavy 2.
  Bolter 24"R, S4, AP5, Rapid Fire.
  Combi-Bolter 24" R, S4, AP5, Rapid Fire, Linked.
  Doom Siren Template, S(D6+4), AP6, Assault 1.
  Dreadnought CC Weapon
  Lightning Claw No armour save. Re-roll all failed "to wound" rolls. Lightning Claws do not give a bonus attack if used with another pistol or CC Weapon, only another Lightning Claw.
  Linked Autocannon 48" R, S7, AP4, Heavy 2, Linked.
  Linked Sonic Blasters 24" R, S4, AP5. Assault 2 or Heavy 3. Linked.
  Mark of Slaanesh +1 Attacks (included on profile).
  Power Weapon No armour save in close combat.
  Sonic Blaster 24" R, S4, AP5. Assault 2 or Heavy 3.
  Sorcerer's Staff Adds D6" to the range of psychic powers (but not Stream of Corruption).
Total Army Cost: 1698 Pts.
Any independent character wounded in an assault will automatically pass any Morale check they are forced to make during that same assault phase. This also applies to any squad led by them.
Dreadnoughts suffer Blood Rage on a roll of 1-2, rather than just 1.

Models in Army: 40

Validation Results:
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
Troop Type Count Unused Points Unused Percent
HQ (>=1unit <=2unit) 2 0 260 1440 15%
Elite (<=3unit) 1 2 300 1400 17%
Troops (>=2unit <=6unit) 4 2 850 850 50%
Fst. Atck. (<=3unit) 0 3 0 1700 0%
Hvy. Supp. (<=3unit) 2 1 288 1412 16%
Other (N/A) 0 n/a 0 1700 0%
Equipment Summary 19 n/a 275 n/a 16%

Roster created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Lone Wolf Development, Inc.