1700 Pts - Orks Army No Name

Unit Name ## WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Save Cost
Warboss 1 5 2 5/10 4 3 4 4 9 2+ 457
Independent Character; Power Klaw; Shoota
  Mega-Armour 2+ armour save. Always moves as if in difficult terrain. Cannot Infiltrate. [30]
  Mega Boosta Re-roll the dice to determine how far the model moves. If a unit of Mega-armoured Orks includes some with and some without Mega Boostas, only the ones with the boosta get the benefir of the re-roll. [10]
  Kustom Job: Shootier Makes a Shoota or Slugga S5. [2]
  Kustom Job: More Dakka Makes a Shoota or Slugga Assault 2 (Sluggas can still be used in close combat as a pistol). [4]
  Nobz Bodyguard 5 4 2 4/8 4 2 3 3 7 2+ [351]
Power Klaw; Shoota
    Mega-Armour 2+ armour save. Always moves as if in difficult terrain. Cannot Infiltrate. [30]
    Mega Boosta Re-roll the dice to determine how far the model moves. If a unit of Mega-armoured Orks includes some with and some without Mega Boostas, only the ones with the boosta get the benefir of the re-roll. [10]
    Mekboy 1 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ [51]
Slugga; Kustom Force Field
      Mek's Tools May be used on an 'Immobilised' or 'Weapon Destroyed' vehicle, or a damaged Big Gun, instead of shooting or fighting. At the end of the turn, roll a D6- on a 6 one bit of damage is repaired, on a 2-5 nothing happens, on a 1 you can't try again until the vehicle / weapon recieves further damage. [2]
      Grot Oiler Each Oiler in base contact with a Mek gives him a +1 bonus when fixing vehicles, up to +3, but a '1' is still a '1'. [6]
        Grot 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 - [0]
      Grot Oiler Each Oiler in base contact with a Mek gives him a +1 bonus when fixing vehicles, up to +3, but a '1' is still a '1'. [6]
        Grot 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 - [0]
      Grot Oiler Each Oiler in base contact with a Mek gives him a +1 bonus when fixing vehicles, up to +3, but a '1' is still a '1'. [6]
        Grot 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 - [0]
Stormboyz 11 4 2 3 4 1 2 2/3 7 6+ 191
Jump Packs; Slugga & Choppa
  Nob 1 4 2 4 4 2 3 3/4 7 6+ [26]
Choppa; Slugga
Kommandos 5 4 2 3 4 1 2 2/3* 7 - 84
Infiltrate if allowed; Roll an additional dice when moving through difficult terrain.; Slugga & Choppa (x4); Rokkit Launcha (x1)
  Nob 1 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 - [29]
Slugga; Shoota / Skorcha
Slugga Boyz 29 4 2 3 4 1 2 2/3* 7 6+ 305
Slugga & Choppa (x26); Big Shoota (x3)
  Nob 1 4 2 4 4 2 3 3/4 7 6+ [20]
Choppa; Slugga
Dreadnought 1 WS: 4 BS: 2 S: 5/10 I: 2 A: 2/3 90
Front Armour: 12; Side Armour: 12; Rear Armour: 10; Walker; Skorcha; Mega-Blasta; Dreadnought CC Weapon; Dreadnought CC Weapon
Warbike Squadron 4 4 2 3 4/5 1 2 2 7 6+/5(U)+ 120
Bikes; Warbikes and any unit behind themcount as in 5+ cover to shooting; Charging warbikes go first, making a shooting attack instead of attacking; Immune to morale and pinning; Twin Linked Big Shoota (x4)
Trukk Boyz 8 4 2 3 4 1 2 2/3* 7 6+ 148
Only take a wound on a 6 (instead of a 4+) if their Trukk is destroyed with them in it; Slugga & Choppa (x7); Big Shoota (x1)
  Nob 1 4 2 4 4 2 3 3/4 7 6+ [30]
    Bionik Arm Causes one S4, I6 hit against one model in base contact in Close Combat. Also counts as an extra CC weapon if you don't otherwise have one (bonus S4 hit not included on profile, extra CC weapon attack is). [10]
  Trukk 1 BS: 2 Front: 10 Side: 10 Rear: 10 [38]
Fast; Open-topped; Big Shoota (x1)
Battlewagon 1 BS: 2 Front: 13 Side: 12 Rear: 10 185
Tank; Open-topped; Carries 20 Orks; 'Bolt-On Big Shootas' can only be fired by the Mob on board; Bolt-On Big Shoota (x4); Twin Linked Big Shoota (x3); Zzap Gun (x1)
  10 pt. Armour Plates If the vehicle is hit, roll a D6- on a 6 ignore the hit. No effect against Ordnance. [10]
Shoota Boyz 15 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ 120
Shoota (x15)
Option Footnotes:
  Big Shoota 36"R, S5, AP5, Assault 3.
  Choppa +1A if used with another Pistol or CC Weapon. Saving throws of 3+ or 2+ count as 4+ against a Choppa.
  Dreadnought CC Weapon No armour save in close combat. 1 CCW doubles strength; 2 give +1 Attacks.
  Kustom Force Field All models within 6" have a 5+ (I) saving throw, vehicles are Hull Down. No effect in close combat.
  Kustom Mega-Blasta 24"R, S7, AP2, Heavy 1, Blast. Overheats: if you roll a '1' to hit, make a save or take a wound / glancing hit.
  Power Klaw Doubles strength, no armour save & always strikes last in close combat. +1A if used with another Pistol or CC Weapon.
  Rokkit Launcha 24"R, S8, AP3, Assault 1.
  Shoota 24"R, S4, AP6, Rapid Fire.
  Shoota / Skorcha (Shoota, 24"R, S4, AP6, Rapid Fire) OR (Skorcha, Template, S5, AP4, Assault 1). May only fire Skorcha once per game.
  Skorcha Template, S5, AP4, Assault 1.
  Slugga 12"R, S4, AP6, Pistol. +1A if used with another Pistol or CC Weapon.
  Twin Linked Big Shoota Normal: 36"R, S5, AP5, Assault 3, Linked. Warbike: 18"R, S5, AP5, Assault 3, Linked.
  Zzap Gun 24"R, S(2D6), AP2, Heavy 1. Hits automatically. If you roll an 11 or 12 for the Strength, one of the Krew is killed.
Total Army Cost: 1700 Pts.
Power of the WAAAAAAAAAAAGH, Mob Rule

Models in Army: 89

Validation Results:
Unit 'Battlewagon' must have one weapon for every model in the unit - currently, some models have more than one.

Troop Type Count Unused Points Unused Percent
HQ (>=1unit <=2unit) 1 1 457 1243 26%
Elite (<=3unit) 2 1 275 1425 16%
Troops (>=2unit <=6unit) 2 4 425 1275 25%
Fst. Atck. (<=3unit) 2 1 268 1432 15%
Hvy. Supp. (<=3unit) 2 1 275 1425 16%
Other (N/A) 0 n/a 0 1700 0%
Equipment Summary 12 n/a 286 n/a 16%

Roster created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1998-2001 by Lone Wolf Development, Inc.