1500 Pts - Space Marines Army No Name

Unit Name ## WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Save Cost
Commander Stillgrave (Commn) 1 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 9 3+/4(I)+ 131
Independent Character; Lightning Claw; Plasma Pistol
  Frag Grenades Fight simultaneosly with troops in cover. Models with Power Fists still go last. [1]
  Jump Pack Move 12", ignoring terrain. Deep Strike if allowed. If model enters difficult terrain, roll a D6- on a 1 it crashes and is removed. Flee & pursue 3d6". [20]
  Iron Halo 4+ invulnerable save. [25]
Scout Squad 5 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 4+ 108
Infiltrate if allowed (as long as no Apothecary or Techmarine is present); Roll an extra D6 when moving through difficult terrain; Bolter (x1); Sniper Rifle (x3); Heavy Bolter (x1)
  Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 4+ [13]
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.
Scout Squad 5 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 4+ 103
Infiltrate if allowed (as long as no Apothecary or Techmarine is present); Roll an extra D6 when moving through difficult terrain; Sniper Rifle (x5)
  Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 4+ [13]
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.
Tactical Squad 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 166
Bolter (x7); Missile Launcher (x1); Plasma Rifle (x1)
  Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ [15]
Tactical Squad 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 161
Bolter (x7); Heavy Bolter (x1); Flamer (x1)
  Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ [15]
Assault Squad 6 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2** 8 3+ 185
Bolt Pistol & CCWep. (x4); Plasma P. & CC Wep. (x2); Frag Grenades; Jump Packs
  Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1/2 8 3+ [25]
Bolt Pistol & CCWep.; Frag Grenades; Jump Packs
Land Speeder 'Tornado' 1 BS: 4 Front: 10 Side: 10 Rear: 10 85
Fast; Skimmer; Assault Cannon; Heavy Bolter
Land Speeder 'Tornado' 1 BS: 4 Front: 10 Side: 10 Rear: 10 85
Fast; Skimmer; Assault Cannon; Heavy Bolter
Devastator Squad 9 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 287
Bolter (x5); Lascannon (x1); Missile Launcher (x2); Plasma Cannon (x1)
  Veteran Sergeant 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ [42]
Storm Bolter
    Auspex If Infiltrators set up within 4d6" of a unit with an Auspex, the unit can fire once at the Infiltrators before the battle begins. [2]
    Purity Seals If the model (and unit he is with) falls back, roll an extra D6 and pick the best 2 (for your own definition of 'best'). [5]
Space Marine Battle Flyer 1 BS: 4 Front: 10 Side: 10 Rear: 10 180
  Big Bombs Qty: 1; G12"R, S6, AP4, Ordnance 1 Blast. [20]
  Lascannon Qty: 1; 48" R, S9, AP2, Heavy 1.; Gatling; Fires D3 shots for every 1 [70]
  Rocket Qty: 2; Unlimited Range, S8, AP3, Heavy 1. [20]
Total Army Cost: 1491 Pts.
If Deep Strike is allowed, the army may deploy in Drop Pods.
And They Shall Know No Fear rules apply to all Space Marines.

Models in Army: 53

Validation Results:
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
Troop Type Count Unused Points Unused Percent
HQ (>=1unit <=2unit) 1 1 131 1369 8%
Elite (<=3unit) 0 3 0 1500 0%
Troops (>=2unit <=6unit) 4 2 538 962 35%
Fst. Atck. (<=3unit) 3 0 355 1145 23%
Hvy. Supp. (<=3unit) 2 1 467 1033 31%
Other (N/A) 0 n/a 0 1500 0%
Equipment Summary 9 n/a 163 n/a 10%

Roster created with Army Builder - Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Lone Wolf Development, Inc.